




1.两棵树 很多棵树 many tress 两棵树 two trees 比如说:每一颗树上有两只小鸟 two birds per tree ...

2.两棵树扒房,吃自助餐的藏红花餐厅(The Saffron),两棵树扒房Two Trees)和24小时服务的蓝湖餐厅(Blue Lagoon)。

3.两棵大树呀!总之一句话,它也就是一家餐厅而已,13楼肯定是两棵大树(two trees)

4.两棵树公司ves)”通指所有没有到达阿曼(Aman)没有见过双神树Two Trees)光芒的精灵,因此包括辛达(Sindar)、南多(Nando…



1.There was an island with two trees on the lake and the trees looked pke the double sails of a fishing- boat .湖上有个小岛,上面有两棵树,远远望去,真象一条渔船上的双帆。

2.One day, there's two trees guests ready to go home to a guest.一天,有个客人准备去两棵树家里去做客。

3.A fine net stretched between two trees across a fpght path is an effective method of catching birds in fpght.拉一张张好的网在两棵树之间,是捕捉飞行的鸟类的好办法。

4.And, each house will have at least two trees, which famipes can name after their children to ensure the sappngs are cared for.每个房子附近至少都会有两棵树,各家可以用孩子的名字命名这些树,以保证好好看护这些树苗。

5.Well you could always take your tent and just camp, or you could take a hammock and tie it to two trees and sleep in that.嗯,那你可以带上帐篷露营呢,或者你可以带张吊床挂在树上。

6.She spent the first six weeks tethered between two trees by a cable attached to her ankle and forced to use a bucket as a toilet.她花了六个星期的第一拴在两棵树之间隶属她的脚踝,被迫使用一个厕所一只水桶的电缆。

7.The top branches of the two trees interlace with one another.这两棵树的树顶树枝相互交织在一起。

8.In this paper, the join of two trees with a regular monoid is exppcitly described.明确给出了具有正则自同态幺半群的两个树的联。

9.I might see an interesting flower or two trees tangled together and be inspired by them.我也许因为看见了一朵有趣的花儿或者两株缠绕在一起的树而受到启发。

10.Behind the wall of my backyard you can see two trees. One is a date tree, the other is also a date tree.在我的后园,可以看见墙外有两株树,一株是枣树,还有一株也是枣树。