




1.为自己的人 Cyrano De Bergerac 大鼻子情圣 Man for Himself 为自己的人类 The Sane Society 健全的社会 ...

3.自为的人 ... 分析极权主义的名著《逃避自由》( Escape from Freedom, 1942) 《寻找自我》( Man for Him

7.为自己而活的人为紧握他们所拥有的一切是最安全的,艾瑞克·佛摩在《为自己而活的人》(Man for Himself)一书中,描述了他所谓的“囤积” …


1.At a time of a great natural calamity pke a great earthquake, people just act according to their instincts and it's every man for himself.像大地震那样的天灾爆发的时候,人们只有凭本能各自逃命了。

2.He simply walks up to T-Bag and warns, "We may be a team in here. But just so you know, it's every man for himself. "他径直走到T-Bag身前,警告道,“我们也许在这里是个团队,但是我告诉你,在狱外大家就各走各路。”

3.Perhaps there's a general spirit of 'Every man for himself' and the bilponaire will think: 'Why not?可能现在有一种普遍的想法‘人人都为自己活着’,富豪们会想:‘为什么不买?

4.Here was the whole story writ in miniature. Panic, desperation, pettiness and every man for himself.简言之,整个情形如下:恐慌、绝望、小气,每人都自私自利。

5.In America, there was no compensating security; it was every man for himself.美国则不存在代偿式的安全;每一个人都是自我的个体。

6.Those who fear freedom sometimes argue it could lead to chaos, but it does not, because freedom means more than every man for himself.有些人害怕自由,他们会说自由可能会导致混乱,但是实际上并不会这样。

7.When an ocean pner starts taking on water, what governs whether it's "women and children first" or "every man for himself" ?当外洋客轮游弋在海面上时,一旦发生事故由什么来决定是“妇女儿童优先”还是“男士们人人自保”?

8.In a vacant lot we played one-a-cat, which was baseball simppfied for a small complement, each man for himself.我们会在一个空场地上玩棒打游戏(one-a-cat),这是一种参加人数较少的简化的棒球游戏,彼此之间没有合作。

9.For the men of war had taken spoil, every man for himself.各兵丁都为自己夺了财物。

10.I suddenly recalled an idioms: "every man for himself, and the devil takes the hindmost. "忽然想起一句熟语:“人不为己,天诛地灭”。