




1.两个苹果 do rai mi( 哆来咪) two apple( 两个苹果) edelweiss( 雪莲花) ...


1.'The two Apple employees met with the resident and then went into the house to look for the lost item, ' the popce said in the statement.警方这份声明说,苹果公司的两名员工和住户见了面,然后进入房间寻找丢失物品;

2.two friends walked forward section of the road, it was found a tree, but also found the two apple trees.两个朋友向前走了一段路,果然发现了一棵树,也发现了树上的两个苹果。

3.In another game, two apple pits or nuts, representing a pair of lovers, are put on the fire side by side.另外一个游戏,代表一对爱人的两个苹果核被并排放在火上。

4.Note: I may be irking some readers by pmiting the selection to two Apple products, but that's the scope of this post.注:选择仅限于苹果的两种产品,这也许会惹恼一些读者。但本文的视角如此。

5.Two apple martinis. -You hitting that, bro?两杯苹果马提尼-你找到了吗,哥们?

6.We shall have a nice big garden with two apple trees.我们会有一个有两棵苹果树的漂亮的花园。

7.There are two apple trees in my backyard. One is tall. The other is low.我家后院有两棵苹果树。一棵高,另一棵矮。

8.We have two apple trees in our backyard.我家后院有两棵苹果树。

9.There are two apple trees in front of the classroom.在教室前面有两棵苹果树。

10.In front of the house stand two apple trees.房子前边长着两棵苹果树。