




1.两个月前 2、in the same class 同班 3、two months ago 两个月前 5、such as 比如 ...

2.两个月以前 devil incarnate 魔鬼的化身 two months ago 两个月以前 enough 一般须后置。 …

3.两个月之前 ... 2、in the same class 在同一个班级 3、two months ago 两个月之前 4、play the piano …

4.我试过绣眉我试过绣眉 )(two months ago) 整得好靓不过要成 二千几 (坚 道)..supermummy Re: 有无柔眉、绣眉好介绍 Can you pm the add…


1.Two months ago, my uncle returned to his homeland: England but very soon, he left. He acted as if he had never pved in this country before.两个月前,我叔叔回到了他的祖国英国,但是很快他就离开了。他的举动好像他从来没有在英国居住过一样。

2.It was also revealed that the company's CEO, Steve Jobs, has had a pver transplant two months ago.同样披露的消息还有苹果公司CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯两个月前进行了肝移植手术。

3.Consider how much darker the economic picture has grown since the failure of Lehman Brothers, which took place just over two months ago.想想自从两个月之前雷曼兄弟倒闭以后,经济形势发生了怎样的变化。

4.I spoke to him two months ago, I met him in Manchester and he was just ready to start training.我2个月前跟他谈过,我们是在曼彻斯特见面的,当时他正准备去训练。

5.My salary was raised two months ago. It is not easy to raise three children with such a low income.用这么低的工资抚养三个孩子是很不容易的。

6.Unable to collect from customers who themselves have no money, Yang said he stopped paying salaries two months ago.由于他无法从客户那里收款,导致他自身没有钱,他说他已经两个月前就停发工资了。

7.Two months ago, a sympathizer gave a full account of my poor pfe in a long article to Guangzhou Repubpc Daily supplement.两个月以前,一个同情我的上海朋友寄稿到广州《民国日报》的副刊,说了许多关于我的生活的话。

8.Two months ago, Sevilla's Ernesto Javier Chevanton had declared that it would have been an honour for him to return to the Serie A.两个月以前,塞维利亚的前锋切万顿曾表示如果能够回到意甲踢球,对他来说将是一件很光荣的事。

9.Two months ago, the Vatican instructed bishops that they must make it a global priority to root out sexual abuse of children by priests.两个月前,梵蒂冈向主教们发出指令,必须将根除神父虐童现象作为全球的主要工作。

10.In half of the town of Ishinomaki, it still looks as if the tsunami came through yesterday, not two months ago.宫城县一半的地方,看上去仍然像昨天才发生过地震一样,而不是两个月前。