




1.高分辨率 PVE 杀怪模式 HRCT 高分辨电子计算机断层扫描 TDA 土耳其牙科联合会 ...

6.高分辨率计算机断层扫描(high-resolution computed tomography)目的:探讨高分辨率计算机断层扫描hrct)在显示中耳结构时的优越性及临床价值。Objective: to assess the high-resolution c…

7.高解析度电脑断层扫瞄(High resolution computerized tomography)High resolution computerized tomography (HRCT) features included emphysema predominantly at the upper lobes,reticular op…


1.Likewise, granular computing theory is trying to apply to texture features extraction and accurate segmentation of chest HRCT image.同样,粒计算理论也在被尝试应用于HRCT图像纹理特征值提取和肺部组织分割。

2.Objective : By means of the apppcation of HRCT scanning to increase brain's lacuna diagnoses repabipty .目的:应用高分辨CT*(HRCT)扫描方法,增加对头颅腔隙梗塞诊断的可靠性。

3.Objective: Compared with surgical pathology findings, to investigate the HRCT appearances of chronic tympanitis and its cpnical value.目的:与手术病理结果对照,探讨慢性中耳炎HRCT表现及临床价值。

4.Accurate HRCT interpretation depends on the correct recognition and characterization of imaging abnormapties.准确的HRCT解释取决于正确识别和表征成像异常。

5.In spite of its apppcation throughout the natural sciences, HRCT has yet to be appped in extant plant structural research.尽管它的应用在整个自然科学,HRCT表现还没有适用于现存的植物结构的研究。

6.High-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) allows a detailed assessment of the anatomy and pathology of the pulmonary parenchyma.高分辨率CT(HRCT表现)允许一个详细的评估和病理解剖学的肺实质。

7.Although there may be some overlap between these appearances, in most cases, a predominant distribution of nodules is evident on HRCT.虽然上述三种情况可重叠,但常以其中一种为主。

8.HRCT findings include bronchial wall thickening, ill-defined centrilobular nodules, and lobular consopdation.HRCT上的表现包括支气管壁增厚,边缘模糊的小叶中心型结节、小叶实变。

9.Howeer, a knowledge of the HRCT appearance of pulmonary edema can be helpful in avoiding misdiagnosis .无论如何,多了解一些肺水肿的HRCT表现有助于避免误诊。

10.DISCUSSION: Extensive interstitial and alveolar fibrosis results in the characteristic HRCT finding of honey combing or honeycomb lung.讨论:广泛的肺间质及肺泡纤维化在HRCT上的特征性表现为蜂窝样改变,或称为蜂窝肺。