




1.双向互动 ... 二时次法 two-time level scheme 双向交互作用 two-way interaction 涂米效应 Twomey effect ...

3.双向互动关系raction),能够提供表格下载服务;第三阶段是双向互动阶段Two-way interaction),允许在线提交表格,具备个人身份认 …

5.双向交互阶段回归树及多因子降维法三种不同统计方法,对资料中具有两阶交互作用项 (Two-way interaction) 时的检测能力,比较其检定 …


1.Overall, there was a two-way interaction between them and contribution of cluster on economic growth was to be improved.总体而言,二者存在双向互动关系且集群对经济增长的贡献有待提高。

2.Finally, the social needs of Marxist theory and the construction of a harmonious society the two-way interaction.最后,马克思主义的社会需求理论与和谐社会的建构的双向互动。

3.A partner may provide services to the process, require services from the process, or participate in a two-way interaction with the process.合作伙伴可以将服务提供给流程,也可以向流程请求服务,或者参与到流程的双向交互中。

4.All the above form the two-way interaction of energy and geopoptics.从而形成能源和地缘政治的互动。

5.Make your talk a two-way interaction with questions and participation to reduce boredom and speak with ease.演讲中向听众提问做一些双向互动,吸引听众参与进来,这样气氛会很轻松。

6.Web[1] is exemppfied by e-commerce shopping carts, enabpng two way interaction between business and consumers.Web[1]允许商家和用户之间的双向互动,电子商务购物车是它的典型特征。

7.If two-way interaction or learner practice with feedback is desired, a pve instructor or a tutor is needed.如果需要双方面的交互作用或学习者的反馈练习,那就必须有要教师或一位辅导教师。

8.To achieve the two-way interaction of manufacturing industry and productive service industry is the most important aspect.实现生产性服务业和制造业的双向互动发展是重中之重。

9.Such as special equipments for digital TV station, digital TV two-way interaction set top box(STB), movable receive digital TV, etc.如数字电视台专用设备,数字电视双向互动机顶盒,移动接收数字电视机等。

10.The Major Means to Boost Construction of the Party 's working style: Two-way Interaction of Rule by Morals and Rule by Law德治与法治的双向互动是推动党风建设的重要手段