


美式发音: [ˈsɔltər] 英式发音: [ˈsɔːltə(r)]



复数:psalters  同义词

n.prayer book,breviary,hymnal,missal



1.圣咏集;诗篇集a book containing a collection of songs and poems, (called psalms ), with their music, that is used in a church


n.1.a book containing psalms from the Bible, used in a church

1.诗篇 朗姿 LANCY 诗篇 PSALTER 优衣库 UNIQLO ...

2.诗篇集 20 艾斯提尔传 Esther 24 圣咏经 Psalter 25 约弗传 Job ...

4.诗篇官方旗舰店意地吟唱,而是按顺序在一定的时间内吟唱,从而成为“诗篇套曲”(Psalter),这样,日课也不过是在不同的时段,吟诵或吟 …

6.诗篇选集 ... Senkni 圣可尼鼓楼专卖店 PSALTER 诗篇鼓楼专卖店 FEIZI 菲姿鼓楼专卖店 ...

8.圣咏集 20 艾斯提尔传 Esther 24 圣咏集 Psalter 25 约弗传 Job ...


1.I know in the morning the green is you, evening I know standing alone is a Psalter that has no thinking .清晨我知道绿色是你,黄昏我知道孤独是一首无绪的诗篇。

2.This was a disappointment, but the lavishly illustrated Corbie Psalter is the curator's favourite book.这确实令人失望,不过插图华丽丰富的科尔比诗篇是这位管理员的最爱。

3.Perhaps no other six psalms in the Psalter picture God's praiseworthy character as graphically as the ones in today's reading.在诗篇中,可能没有别的诗像今天读的这六首一样,那麽生动的描绘出上帝值得赞美的属性。

4.The Felbrigge Psalter , an illuminated manuscript Psalter, is the oldest book from England to have an embroidered bookbinding .费尔布雷奇诗集是一部彩色稿本的诗篇集,它是英格兰最古老的刺绣装订书籍。

5.The show opens with the early ninth-century Corbie Psalter from France.展览从九世纪早期法国科尔比地方的圣经诗篇集开始。

6.In fact, most prayers, if the Psalter is a true guide, are not.事实上,如果整套诗篇真正起到指导作用的话,大多数祷告都不能被冠以赞美之名。

7.The that mankind's immortal Psalter is you of soul!那人类不朽的诗篇是你的灵魂!

8.Let me write a loving great song with the loving Psalter table, let I play to ring with the loving mind one song loving melody.让我用爱的诗篇谱写一首爱的赞歌,让我用爱的心灵奏响一曲爱的旋律。