




1.泰勒 ... Tyler. 警告 Tyler Durden:No I didn't quite catch that Lou. 泰勒:"不,我没听清楚,卢。" ...

2.登)在《搏斗俱乐部》(Fight Club)内饰演的暴力王泰勒Tyler Durden)当选No.1。

4.摘要 Textbook:Interchange Level 2 教学时间:每周日 下午4:00-6:00 —–Tyler Durden摘要】 ...


1.Tyler Durden: Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever pved. I see all this potential, and I see squandering.泰勒·德顿:兄弟们,我看到俱乐部里这些健壮、聪明的男人们曾经的生活,我看到了你们的未来,看到了正在被虚度的人生。

2.Some nights, after work, I go to a different fight club in the basement of a bar or garage, and I ask if anybody's seen Tyler Durden.有几个晚上下班后,我去其他地下室或者汽车修理厂的搏击俱乐部,我去看看有没有人见过泰勒歌顿。

3.I ask if he knows the name Tyler Durden.我问他听说过泰勒歌顿这个名字吗。

4.I'm Tyler Durden, and I dictate the rules, and I say, put the knife down.我是,我是泰勒歌顿,我制定的规矩,现在我命令,把刀放下。

5.The reunion with Fincher on Fight Club in 1999 resulted in Tyler Durden, a suitably anarchic end to a tumultuous, star-making decade.1999年与芬奇再度合作,出演《搏击俱乐部》的泰勒·德登,这个角色恰好结束了皮特变换、杂乱、成就明星的十年。

6.I love everything about Tyler Durden, his courage and his smarts. His nerve.我爱泰勒的一切,他的勇气,他的智慧。

7.Tyler Durden is a separate personapty I've created, and now he's threatening to take over my real pfe.泰勒歌顿是我创造的另一个分离性人格,而现在,他已经威胁着要接管我真正的生活了。

8.The guy's eyes get big and he asks, do I really know Tyler Durden?那家伙眼睛瞪得贼大,问我是不是真的知道泰勒歌顿。

9.People are always asking, did I know about Tyler Durden.人们总是问我你认不认识泰勒。德登。

10.Tyler Durden: Ok, I got it. Shit I lost it.泰勒:“好了,我听见了。该死的,我又忘了。”