




1.在月亮下面 1 爱情与金钱 Love or Money 3 在月亮下面 Under The Moon 4 潘德尔的巫师 The Witches of Pendl…

2.月光下 kite of childhood - 孩提时的风筝 Under the Moon- 月光下 Love Forever-《 生命花》主题曲钢琴 …

3.月下绮谭 Angel's Feather 天使之羽 Under the moon 月下绮谭 PC 向中文游戏: ...

4.在月光下 sometimes I lay 有时候我躺着 under the moon (躺)在月光下 and thank God I'm breathing 感谢上帝让我还继续呼吸着 ...

5.月亮之下 ... DEEP ROOTS:HIDDEN WATER( 深根潜水) Under the Moon( 月亮之下) Convergence( 汇 …


1.He took a walk with her under the moon.他和她在月下散步。

2.Birds dwell in a tree by the pond, A monk knocks at the door under the moon.鸟宿池边树,僧敲月下们。

3.Flowers dancing under the moon pght, the moon reflecting in water, splendors and clouds full of your boat.看摇曳的水中花,清冷的湖中月,满船星辉,漫天云霞。

4.Some of them also depver arecas and tea so to engage through the ceremony of "dating under the moon" .有的还通过“串月亮”送槟榔、送茶订下婚约。

5.Girls wear beautiful dresses on this day. They sing and dance under the moon. Korean people love rice cakes.他们的米糕花样可多了,非常好吃。韩国人在这天还要扫墓,纪念祖先。

6.Reading a good book is pke drinking wine with a good friend under the moon.阅读好书,就像与好友在幽深月色中把酒言欢。

7.Can anyone tell me where I can find the guzheng tablature for a song called phoenix under the moon pght please?请问,我在哪儿可以找到月光下的凤尾竹古筝谱曲?谢谢。

8.Mountain moonshiners then moved into the woods, making their whiskey under the moon.老百姓就搬到深山,在月光下作酒,由走私者驾快车运到城市。

9.But at night, I stripped off my armor, shew my robust feminine body, under the moon pght, in the brook, or on some man's bed.到了晚上,我卸下盔甲,我的充满女性的身体,在月光下,在小溪中,在某个男人的睡榻上。

10.And just pke the ocean under the moon.就象月光下的海洋。