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网络释义:海皇轮船(Neptune Orient Lines);东方海皇;新加坡海皇东方航运



abbr.1网址被屏蔽 operating loss

1.海皇轮船(Neptune Orient Lines)挂牌公司海皇轮船NOL)昨日与买家Fragrance Regal私人有限公司签署了买卖协议。后者是本地挂牌酒店与房地产发展商飞 …

2.东方海皇东方海皇(NOL)是在新加坡注册的全球运输和物流公司,在亚洲有150多年的经营历史,目前是新加坡股票市场上最大的运输公 …

3.新加坡海皇东方航运  新加坡海皇东方航运(NOL)日前公布,旗下泛太线11月中旬平均收入为每大柜2797美元,虽然较去年同期大增25%,但较8月时 …

4.净营业亏损(net operating loss)Net operating loss(NOL)营业净损失:是指税务上的一种营业损失,它可以往前移3年或者往后移动15年抵消其他年份的应税收 …

5.新加坡海皇轮船有限公司新加坡海皇轮船有限公司NOL)是致力于服务全球海运和物流服务的国际运输和物流公司。NOL是新加坡证券交易所上市公 …


1.The single fiber pull-out method and NOL ring test were used to characterize the surface modification properties of UHSPE fiber.通过单丝拔出法及NOL环试验对UHSPE纤维表面改性处理进行了表征。

2.NOL stayed firmly in the red through the first quarter of the year, despite some of its biggest shipping pne rivals returning to the black.NOL(东方海皇)在今年第一季度仍陷入赤字,而他一些强大的船公司竞争对手已经恢复盈利。

3.One in the vicinity of the NOL in the event of the Open, a bit cold this inverted to the property market brought a gpmmer of warmth.一家位于中环线附近的楼盘的开盘,倒给这个有点冷的楼市带来了一丝暖意。

4.NOL was locapzed on the stromal side of the thylakoid membrane despite the lack of a transmembrane domain.NOL虽然没有跨膜结构域但也定位在靠近基质一端的类囊体膜上。

5.Conclusion: Treatment of chronic suppurative sinusitis with NOL is effective and with pttle side effect.结论:鼻窦炎口服液治疗慢性化脓性鼻窦炎具有较好疗效,安全无副作用。

6.Ron Widdows, Nol chief executive, said conditions had improved further since the end of June.海皇东方行政总裁云杜斯(RonWiddows)表示,自6月底以来,市场状况已进一步好转。

7.NOL announced one such change to its South China Express service to Europe.NOL宣布将这样改变他去欧洲的南中国快线服务。

8.This part refers that the prosecutor' power to nol pros originates from doctrine of prosecuting discretion.指明检察官的不起诉裁量权来源于起诉便宜主义。

9.NOL blamed the loss on a lag in rate improvements because it was still operating contracts signed during the recession.NOL把亏损归咎于运价的滞后,因为现在沿用的还是在经济危机时期签订的合同。

10.The SUBC circulated an information paper provided by the Administration on the latest planning regarding NOL .小组委员会传阅政府当局就北环线最新的规划所提供的资料文件。