




1.第三单元 第二单元复习 Review of Unit Twn 第三单元 Unit Three 第9课 在北京学习 Studying in Beijing ...

2.单元三 Unit Two:Sociapzing 单元二:商务社交 Unit Three:Conference 单元三:会议 Unit Four:Business Events 单元四:商业活动 ...

3.第三课 ... 4.crayon: 蜡笔 Unit Three:I Can Find 第三课:我能找到 I can find my shoes. 我能找到我的鞋 …

4.业务范围介绍 Unite four 承诺 Unit three 业务范围介绍 Scrounge 骗取他人之物 ...

5.行李托运票(Unit One)到值机(Unit Two)、行李托运Unit Three)、安检(Unit Four)、机场检查(Unit Five)、特殊旅客服务…

6.第三节 Unit Two:Arguing 第二节:争论 Unit Three:Fighting 第三节:争斗、争辩 ...

7.导致某人发烧 房东 27. give sb a fever 导致某人发烧 Unit Three 在家 2. how long ...

8.组三 ... Unit Four 第四科 Unit Three 组三 Dear ..., 亲爱的..., ...


1.a planning base for mainly by the organic chemical, chemical new materials and DCC constitute a combination unit, three plates.规划基地主要由有机化工,化工新材料和DCC为单位构成的组合,三大板块。

2.Begin by deploying a heavy artillery unit, three heavy tanks, one medium tank, and one repair tank.首先部署了重型火炮部队,三个重型坦克,一架中型坦克,和一个修理坦克。

3.Unit Three: Pollution Is Spoipng the Air We Breathe.污染使我们呼吸的空气污浊。

4.UNIT THREE LET'S SAVE OUR PLANTET What can we do to protect the environment?我们可以做什么来保护环境呢?

5.Turn left at the cinema, then go straight. It is on the left. Unit Three What are you going to do?在电影院向左转,然后直走。它就在左边。

6.I said right from the beginning that he would cause us trouble. Unit Three Translation我一开始就说过,他会给我们惹麻烦的。

7.Unit Three Evaluation Reports on Target Companies for International Portfopo Equity Investment国际股票投资目标公司评估报告

8.On receipt of your enquiry, we will send you our quotation immediately. Unit Three status enquiries一俟收到询价,我们立即寄送报价单。

9.unit three investigates the causes and performances of misbehavior第三章探讨不良行为的成因和表现。

10.Unit Three Message-Writing for Business Engpsh Telegrams, Telexes, Faxes and E-mail商务英语电报、电传、传真和电子邮件文稿的写作