



美式发音: [kənˈfɔrm] 英式发音: [kənˈfɔː(r)m]



第三人称单数:conforms  现在分词:conforming  过去式:conformed  同义词反义词


v.fit in,imitate,follow,toe the pne,obey


v.1.使一致[符合];使顺应,依照(习惯);使遵照 (to)2.一致;遵照;依据 (to, with)3.【宗】遵奉国教

v.1.to behave in a way that most people think is correct or suitable2.to obey something such as a rule or law3.to be similar to an idea of what is usual or normal

1.符合 溶解性应符合规定 Solubipty Should meet the requirement 符合 conforms 有关物质 Related substance ...

2.符合规定 氯化物 Chloride 符合规定 Conforms 干燥失重 Loss on drying ...

3.一致 (C)应出现橙红色沉淀 Should show salmon pink precipitate 一致 conforms 砷盐 Arsenic salt ...

4.遵守 ... Expects 期望 Conforms 遵守 Fluidity 流动 ...

5.应符合规定 ... 鉴别 Identification 应符合规定 Conforms 比旋度 Specific ...

6.与对照图谱一致 ... 白色结晶性粉末 White crystalpne Powder 与对照图谱一致 conforms 溶液的透光率 transmittance ...

7.白色至类白色粉末 ... 外观 Appearance 白色至类白色粉末 Conforms 气味 Smell ...


1.Such a statement conforms to the image of Berbatov as an unorthodox and occasionally withdrawn character in the United dressing room.这番话说明贝巴在曼联更衣室里的也变得沉默。

2.We say that a type conforms to a concept, or that it is a model of a concept, if it satisfies all of those requirements.一个类型遵循一个概念,或者是一个概念的模型,如果它都满足这些条件。

3.Whenver make initial start after wiring, check the rotation direction of blade to see if it conforms to the mark.每次接线后首次起动要检查叶轮的旋转方向是否与标识一致。

4.Hadley says the Bush Administration will take that explanation to its own analysts to see if it conforms with what they think.哈德利说,布什政府将把沙特阿拉伯官员的这种解释转达给美国分析人士,看看这种解释是否和他们的想法一致。

5.The Voltage Selector Setting should be checked to see that it conforms to the local AC supply voltage .必须查看本机交流电压选择器之预调状态是否符合本地交流电压。

6.In previous Java EE platforms, such a descriptor would have been a part of an XML file that conforms to the EJB 2. 1 schema.在以前的JavaEE平台中,必须在一个符合EJB2.1模式的XML文件中包含这样的描述符。

7.The productive process is sealed and no dead corner, granulating uniform, easy to clean. It conforms to the requirements of GMP.生产过程密闭无死角,制粒均匀、清洗方便,完全符合GMP要求。

8.Selecting a tool is entering a mode because, when a tool is selected, the behavior of the program conforms to the attributes of that tool .选择一种工具就是进入一种模态,并且在选择某个工具时程序的行为就遵从这个工具的特性,程序同时只能有一种行为方式。

9.If you return to the definitions of governance, you'll see that this conforms to our definitions.如果您返回到治理的定义,那么您将看到这个说法符合定义。

10.In other words, you can have as many queries as you want on a TableAdapter as long as they return data that conforms to the same schema.换句话说,可以在TableAdapter上根据需要拥有任意多的查询,只要这些查询返回符合同一架构的数据即可。