


美式发音: [ˈuzi] 英式发音: [ˈuːzi]






1.乌齐冲锋枪(以色列设计)a type of sub-machine gun designed in Israel

na.1.a type of small machine gun

1.乌兹  只要一说到乌兹 (UZI),大家一定联想到乌兹冲锋枪,它已成为冲锋枪的代名词,只要见警方缴获握柄上弹的冲锋枪,传媒一律 …

2.冲锋枪伍兹冲锋枪(Uzi):本作似乎取消了机关枪(大概是未解锁?反正目前另有几个空位)……连发枪支,发射过程中可议决上下键调节 …


4.乌齐冲锋枪乌齐冲锋枪(UZI)恐怕是CF中最没人用的武器了,打头至少都要10发子弹人家才会死。前两天我清仓,打算把UZI毁了,在毁之 …

5.冲锋枪是以色列的乌齐而当时西德又没有自己生产的冲锋枪,制式冲锋枪是以色列的乌齐(uZI),在西德被命名为MPZ。 在上述背景下,瓦尔特公司从20世 …


1.Behind me the door swung open. There stood Uzi's secretary, a cable in her hand, staring, "Eichmann! "身后的门打开了,尤兹的秘书走了进来,手里拿着一份电报,幻灯片让她脱口而出,“艾希曼!”

2.The dead man still lay where he fell, head askew, eyes staring blankly. The Uzi he had brought with him lay just out of Georgi's reach.死掉的杀手还躺在那里,脑袋歪向一边,眼睛了无生气,他带进酒馆的乌兹冲锋枪掉落在格奥尔基够不到的地方。

3.Israeli Cabinet Minister Uzi Landau said the territory is not negotiable.以色列内阁部长乌齐.兰多说,这片领土是没有商量余地的。

4.For a long moment, no one made any response. "Let's never forget, " said Uzi finally, "that's part of the difference between him and us. "好一阵子大家都沉默不语,“我们不要忘记,”最后尤兹说,“这就是我们和他的差别之一。”

5.I wandered back to the car. I tapped on the front window. Uzi's head popped up.我回到车旁,敲了敲前窗玻璃,尤兹探出头来。

6.When they returned an hour later, Uzi was soaring. "Like we just drove them out of the showrooms! " he announced.一小时后他们回来,尤兹大声说,“跑得非常好,像刚从车展上开出来的一样。”

7.And an UZI and Tommy gun had been mounted on a flowered trellis on the stage.舞台中央的花门上悬挂着一把乌兹冲锋枪和一把汤米冲锋枪。

8.General Jones is due to travel to London next week for talks with British officials and Mr Netanyahu's security adviser, Uzi Arad.上将琼斯按计划下周五将去伦敦和英国官员以及内塔尼亚胡先生的安全顾问UziArad进行谈判。

9.Uzi's head popped up. A lightning bolt flashed, illuminating his face eerily .此刻,突然一道闪电掠过,把他的脸照得很诡异。

10.Colin fired the Uzi first with no problem.科林打响了乌兹没有问题的第一个。