


美式发音: [juːˈkreɪn] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]located in east Europe

1.乌克兰 印度 INDIA 乌克兰 UKRAINE 印度尼西亚 INDONESIA ...

2.白俄罗斯 俄罗斯 / Russia 白俄罗斯 / Ukraine 沙特阿拉伯 / Saudi Arabia ...

3.乌克兰队 沙特阿拉伯王国大使馆( Saudi Arabia) 乌克兰大使馆( Ukraine) 波兰共和国大使馆( Poland ) ...


1.Soon it could become clearer where Ukraine's President has decided to put most of his chips.所以这位乌克兰总统将把赌注押在哪边,很快就可以见分晓了。

2.It is often said that speaking Russian or Polish in western Ukraine arouses the wrath of local "nationalists" .人们说在西乌克兰使用俄语或波兰语会引起当地民族主义者的愤怒。

3.Do not know a good writer to Ukraine in the other home-dug graves when properly examined whether the ancestors of his brilliant masterpiece.不知道好来乌编剧在挖别人家祖坟时是否好好研究过这本自己祖上的光辉名著。

4.Ukraine used to get its gas allocation from Soviet planners and continued to expect the same after independence.乌克兰过去从苏联的规划者那里获得天然气分配,在独立后也期望得到同样对待。

5.After years of political crisis, at least Ukraine is taking the election in its stride.历经多年的政治风波,乌克兰总算至少可以面对选举从容不迫。

6.We started out with a comprehensive victory (4-0 against Ukraine) and I got amongst the goals.第一场对阵乌克兰我们以4:0大胜,我也进了球。

7.Viktor Yushchenko, Ukraine's president, said the result proved "Ukraine is capable of staging honest privatisations" .乌克兰总统维克托·尤先科(ViktorYushchenko)表示,(拍卖)结果证明“乌克兰有能力开展诚实的私有化行动”。

8.Mr Medvedev claimed that no Russian threat against Ukraine exists, as if he were unaware of his prime minister's statements.梅德韦杰夫声称,俄罗斯对乌克兰不构成任何威胁——他仿佛对本国总理的声明一无所知。

9.If it is possible then of course I would also be interested playing for Ukraine. I'd like to try myself in international football.如果那样的话,我当然也愿意为乌克兰效力。我想尝试一下国家队赛事。

10.His mother, a Holocaust survivor born in what is now Ukraine, refused to let him test her blood.然而他作为乌克兰大屠杀幸存者的母亲不允许他抽自己的血。