


美式发音: ['boʊltən] 英式发音: ['bəʊltən]





un.1.industrial city in Lancashire, northwestern England.

1.博尔顿 伦敦南岸大学( South Bank) 波尔顿大学( Bolton) 东伦敦大学( East London) ...

3.保顿 110 格林威治大学 Greenwich 111 博尔顿大学 Bolton 112 泰晤士河谷大学 Thames Valley ...

6.波尔顿队▲英超波尔顿队(Bolton)中场球员穆安巴突然倒地不醒。(图/取自YouTube)东森新闻记者何中、黄盛柏/综合报导 足球赛进行 …

7.博尔顿镇不过,警方承认,他们已通知女护士居于博尔顿镇(Bolton)的父母,有关发现人体残骸的事情。由于维拉钦失踪己有7日,其家 …


1.Mr Bolton speaks no Mandarin or Cantonese and by his own admission has always been terrible at foreign languages.波顿不会讲普通话或广东话,他自己也承认,外语一直是他的老大难问题。

2.John Bolton, U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, said he was "strongly encouraged by the mood of the council. "美国驻联合国大使约翰。博尔顿说:“我被目前安理会的气氛所感染,甚至没有任何人为朝鲜进行辩护”。

3.It is a great honour for me to hear any manager slagging Bolton off, particularly when it is one of the big boys.对我来说听到别的主教练批评我们,是一种荣誉。尤其是这种批评来自强队时。

4.To go to a place like Bolton and pull out that performance showed just how much confidence is running through the team.来到博尔顿这种地方拿出这样的体现能给球队提升信心。

5.I could go always with Patrick to Sheffield, to Bolton, and he would be ready to die.我可以一直都与帕特里克一起去谢菲尔德、博尔顿,他会准备好战死沙场。

6.But that all changed against Bolton as Fabregas - after so many near-misses - scored his first Premiership goal in a little under a year.但是这一切都为对博尔顿时的法布雷加斯所改变,在错过如此多的近在咫尺的进球机会后,他打入了本赛季的首粒联赛入球。

7.Mr. Bolton: You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention, as long as you've earned it.这个嘛,我认为只要是你应得的荣耀,就没什么好惭愧的。

8.Those hopes died when a key Republican moderate, Senator Lincoln Chafee, said he would not back Mr Bolton.然而这些希望灰飞烟灭了,因为一位关键性人物,共和党的温和派力量、参议院LincolnChafee说他不会再支持博尔顿担任此职了。

9.Bolton were one of the first clubs to openly declare their interest, and are thought to be the only Premier League side who have made a bid.博尔顿是最早公开表达他们对这位前锋感兴趣的俱乐部之一,而且他们也被认为是英超球队中目前唯一提出正式报价的球队。

10.Mr Bolton has been criticised for his gruff manner, which some suggest has hampered him in his goal of internal reform at the UN.波尔顿的粗暴态度遭致批评,有些人认为这将阻碍他推行联合国内部改革的目标。