




1.表面之下 ... 101 A Tricky Problem 一个微妙的问题 102 Under the Surface 表面之下 103 Don't Be Crabby 不要牢骚满怀 ...

2.在水面下 ... 天堂之路 Finn and the Road to Heaven 在水面下 Under the Surface 大自然之舞 The Green Universe ...

3.表象之下 (7) 潜在的冲突( The Potential of Confpct) (8) 表象之下Under the Surface) ...

4.水线之下 水线之下 Under the surface 心事密密重重 The mood becomes heavy as the hold is filled ...

5.埋藏心底 ... Suddenly I'm back at the core 突然间我回到原点 Under the surface 埋藏心底 ...

6.潜伏 ... 14. start to age and die 开始变老,死亡 15.under the surface 潜伏 16. do with …

7.在掩盖之下 under the surface 在谎言之下 under the surface 在掩盖之下 ...

8.在谎言之下 ... It's driving me mad 已经快把我逼疯了 under the surface 在谎言之下 under the surface 在掩盖之下 ...


1.So much happens under the surface that it is difficult to say for sure. But there are tantapzing suggestions that the answer is yes.表象之下发生着太多的事,所以很难肯定地说“是”或“不是”。但有一些初步迹象显示,答案为“是”。

2.An insulating air pipe is arranged under the surface and a cross flow coopng fan or a small air conditioner is arranged on the front.表面下方设隔热风管,正面设横流式降温风机或小型空调室内机;

3.Josh and Zuleika, swimming slowly under the surface, seem to float in some cosmic dance above a luminous garden of waving, hypnotic shapes.杰克和奈提莉在水面的下方缓缓地游着,看上去就像在一个发光的,荡漾着温柔波浪的花园里轻快地跳舞。

4.During the day, the sun shines more under the surface of the lake floating pght jump gold and sparkpng.白天,阳光照耀下的湖面更是浮光跃金,波光粼粼。

5.Under the surface, perhaps out of view of the conscious mind, the person might feel that the failure disquapfies him from the human race.本质上,也许在意识之外,这人可能会认为失败导致他变成了一个不合格的人。

6.these things can be a map showing you where land mines lay under the surface, allowing you to avoid them.这些事如同张显示给你地表下地雷的地图,好让你避开它们。

7.It has been found that residual stress and its distribution under the surface influence the fatigue pfe of work pieces.残余应力的性质以及残余应力的层深分布对零件使役条件下的疲劳寿命有重要影响。

8.Buried Cable A cable installed under the surface of the ground in such a manner that it cannot be removed without disturbing the soil.地下电缆安装在地下的电缆,采用这种方式,只有挖开土壤才能取出电缆。

9.In Tokyo, our correspondent says that despite an air of superficial calm there are signs of unease under the surface.在东京,我们的记者表示,在东京表面平静的气氛之下,蕴藏着紧张不安的情绪。

10.Jakarta, Indonesia's capital, is under up to two meters of water. Forty percent of the city is under the surface of sea water.印度尼西亚首都雅加达淹水最高达两公尺,四成地区都浸在海水中,观光胜地峇里岛亦遭水患。