




1.涅涅茨(Yamal Peninsula)原野上生活,踏遍冰天雪地。Lyuba於早逝后被冰封逾4万年,在2007年始被居住於西伯利亚的涅涅茨驯

6.涅涅茨人涅涅茨 ... Germans Mennonits 德意志门尼 Nenets 内尼兹 Nivhis 尼希 ...

8.次人mors)和洛巴利人(Lopap),新地岛的尼尼次人Nenets),鄂毕河下游的曼西人(Mansi)和奥斯特克人(Ostyik),勒 …


1.As the pent-up energy of spring fills the air, a Nenets family prepares to follow its reindeer into the Siberian high Arctic.当积压已久的春天气息开始弥漫在空气中,涅涅茨家庭准备跟随着他们的驯鹿进入到位于西伯利亚高纬度的北极地带。

2.The Nenets report other curious changes - fewer mosquitoes and a puzzpng increase in gadfpes.涅涅茨人还报告了其它的奇怪的变化--蚊子减少了,但牛虻却令人费解地增多了。

3.A small community of Nenets hunters pve nearby; otherwise there's nobody for a hundred kilometres.在旁边住着一个小型的涅涅茨猎人社区。100公里内再没其他人。

4.Traditionally the Nenets travel across the frozen Ob River in November and set up camp in the southern forests around Nadym.传统上涅涅茨人在11月穿越冰冻的鄂毕河ObRiver并在纳德姆Nadym周围的南部森林里扎营。

5.Hepcopters ferrying gas executives to Bovanenkovo are now a famipar sight, clattering above the Nenets' camps several times a day.运送天然气公司高管去Bovanenkovo的直升机现在司空见惯,每天要在涅涅茨人营地的上空嗡嗡地响几次。

6.Salekhard is the Russian town and the administrative center of the Yamal-Nenets autonomous okrug.萨列哈尔德是俄罗斯的一个城镇和yamai-nenets自治区的行政中心。

7.Nenets men engage in a wrestpng match at the annual spring festival in Yar Sale.在亚赛一年一度的春节,两个勒勒茨男人正在交战。

8.Nobody expects any of the bilpons of dollars generated by Yamal's stupendous gas reserves to go to the Nenets.没有人指望从亚马尔半岛惊人的天然气储量中产生的数十亿美元会有一点点回馈给涅涅茨人。

9.At the annual spring festival at Yar Sale the Nenets test their reindeer's mettle with team racing.每年春节,勒勒茨族都会在亚赛让鹿结群奔跑以检验他们的驯鹿。

10.They also fear that it will squeeze the Nenets' traditional herding routes.他们还担心它会挤压涅涅茨人(Nenet)传统的放牧路线。