




1.特殊网址特殊网址 (Unique URL)每一个页面、每一个物件,都给他们一个特殊的网址。


1.As you see, a unique URL in the namespace declaration is still not safe from naming confpcts.正如您所看到的,命名空间声明中的唯一URL仍不能完全避免命名冲突。

2.A unique URL with a version ID is associated with each resource defined in the JNLP file, as shown in Listing 3.一个有版本标识的唯一的URL与每个JNLP文件中定义的资源相关联。如清单3所示。

3.An XML-based file that contains configuration data on each unique URL resource used in the project.基于XML的文件,包含有关项目中使用的每个唯一URL资源的配置数据。

4.For example, for a Web channel, a unique URL can serve as a channel destination, but for an IVR channel, a toll-free number can be used.例如,对于Web通道,可以使用队列URL作为通道目的地;但对于IVR通道,则可以使用免费编号。

5.Returns a unique key that can be added to generate a unique URL for the current page.返回唯一的键,可以添加该键以便为当前页生成唯一的URL。

6.I post sticker at place where I have stayed. And on the sticker, there is a unique URL. Through the URL you can see what I saw at that spot.我在我去过的地方贴下贴纸,在贴纸上有一个唯一的网址,透过该网址你们能够看到我在该地点所看到的。

7.All you need to do is send your friends the unique URL and they can instantly see your files.你所需的只是将你的独立的网址发送给你的朋友,这样他们就可以立即访问你的文件。

8.Each data source is identified as a resource through a unique URL.每一个数据源都会通过单独的URL来标示为一个资源。

9.Attribute is required for cpent-activated types, but not for server-activated types, each unique URL will have its own cpent属性是客户端激活类型所必需的,而不是服务器激活类型所必需的,因此每个唯一的URL都有自己的