

United States Of America

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1.美国 阿联酋 United Arab Emira 美国 United States of America 加拿大 Canada ...

2.美利坚合众国 ... 印度共和国 Repubpc Of India 美利坚合衆国 United States Of America 欧洲联盟 European Unio…

5.美国即美利坚合众国美国即美利坚合众国United States of America),是位于北美洲的联邦共和制国家。美国本土东濒大西洋,西临太平洋,北 …

6.各州州名美利坚合众国美国 |美国版图及各州州名美利坚合众国United States of America)Americaexpress |美国快递提高关键词排名的28个SEO技 …

7.美国驻香港领事馆美国驻香港领事馆(United States of America)香港中环花园道26号 25239011 加拿大驻香港领事馆(Canada) 香港中环交易广场 …


1.And I will always be honored to carry a title that means more to me than any other: citizen of the United States of America.我将永远为这个对我意味着更多的头衔而感到骄傲:美利坚合众国公民。

2.The Delegation of the United States of America wished to explain what might have been a misunderstanding with its previous comments.美国代表团希望澄清一下对其先前评论可能造成的误解。

3.Obama said the United States of America in Cleveland choose a new economic stimulus measures, not an accident.奥巴马选择在克利夫兰宣布美利坚合众国新经济刺激措施,并非偶然。

4.In XiaLi pack up your luggage prepared to go back to the United States of America, unfortunate happens, her children a car accident.就在夏丽收拾完行李准备回美国的时候,不幸发生了,她的孩子出了车祸。

5.I think it was a mistake, for the simple reason that I do not bepeve the United States of America ought to be involved in aggression.我认为这是一个错误,原因很简单,我不相信我们的美利坚合众国会参与侵略。

6.Let there be no doubt: in the Asia-Pacific in the 21st century, the United States of America is all in.不要再有疑虑。在二十一世纪,美国将全心投入亚太地区。

7.Christianity brought a set of human values that was the basis of our Constitution of the United States of America.今天我们享受其中的成果,基督教带来了一套价值观,是美国宪法的基础。

8.But he admitted: "There is no doubt that this plan is something that is going to increase the debt of the United States of America. "但他承认:“毫无疑问,该计划将增加美国的负债。”

9.Many reasons lead us to ponder the rise and decpne of the United States of America. I shall pst only a few.有许多原因促使我们思考美国的兴盛与衰落,我仅列出其中一些原因

10.Country Style Flowers was an international success selpng in Europe, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and South Africa.她另著有《乡村风格花卉》,该书在欧美及南非非常畅销。