



1.Mr. Bingley had not been of age two years , when he was tempted by an accidental recommendation to look at Netherfield House.当时彬格莱先生成年还不满两个年头,只因为偶然听到人家推荐尼日斐花园的房子,他便来到这儿看看。

2."Oh! yes, " said Epzabeth drily -- "Mr. Darcy is uncommonly kind to Mr. Bingley, and takes a prodigious deal of care of him. "“噢,是呀,”伊丽莎白冷冷地说:“达西先生待彬格莱先生特别好,也照顾得他十二万分周到。”

3.Well, as he is Mr Bingley's friend, we must be popte to him, but I must say, I hate the sight of him.哎呀,他既然是彬格莱先生的朋友,我们也要客气点儿,可是,我得承认,我不喜欢见到他。

4.When Darcy returned to the saloon, Miss Bingley could not help repeating to him some part of what she had been saying to his sister.达西回到客厅里来的时候,彬格莱小姐又把刚才跟他妹妹说的话,重新又说了一遍给他听。

5.and Mr. Darcy's explanation, by restoring Bingley to all her former good opinion, heightened the sense of what Jane had lost.达西先生的解释固然使她对彬格莱先生恢复了以往的好感,同时也就越发感觉到吉英受到的损失太大。

6.In a few minutes she was joined by Bingley, whose conference with her father had been short and to the purpose.没过几分钟,彬格莱就到她这儿来了,因为他跟她父亲谈得很简捷扼要。

7.Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits heR aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley theRe by chance.洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。

8.Miss Bingley sees that her brother is in love with you, and wants him to marry Miss Darcy.彬格莱小姐看出他哥哥爱上了你,可是她却希望他和达西小姐结婚。

9.'I'm afraid, Mr Darcy, 'whispered Miss Bingley, 'that this adventure has rather lessened your admiration of her fine eyes. '“达西先生,”彬格莱小姐小声说,“恐怕她这次冒险削弱了你对她眼睛的喜爱吧。”

10.Miss Bingley's congratulations to her brother, on his approaching marriage, were all that was affectionate and insincere.彬格莱小姐祝贺哥快要结婚的那封信,写得无限亲切,只可惜缺乏诚意。