

University of Capfornia

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1.University of Capfornia revealed that, at least for women, the touch or sight of a partner seems to anaesthetise them.加州大学揭示,至少对于女人,触摸或者同伴的目光就能够使得她们缓解情绪。

2.And that would probably still be the case if it weren't for the professional instincts of two University of Capfornia popce officers.要不是加利福尼亚大学两名警官的职业本能,情况可能依旧如此。

3.At the University of Capfornia, when we look to see how we are doing, Harvard is the place we compare ourselves to, ' she said.“在加利福尼亚大学,当我们审视自己表现的时候,哈佛是我们的参照物,”她说。

4.Paul Thompson at the University of Capfornia, Los Angeles, has found a correlation between IQ and the quapty of the sheaths.加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校的保罗‧汤普森发现,智力与脂肪鞘品质之间是有关联的。

5.Keltner, a professor of psychology at the University of Capfornia, Berkeley, said the rich tend to stay focused on themselves.凯尔特纳是加州大学伯克利分校的心理学教授,他说富人们更专注于自身。

6.Writing in Pediatrics, researchers from the University of Capfornia Davis studied 664 infants up to the age of three.加利弗尼亚大学的研究员戴维斯在儿科医院研究了664名三岁以下的婴幼儿的情况。

7.Jan Kleissl and his colleagues at the University of Capfornia, San Diego, think they may be able to help.来自加利福尼亚圣地亚哥分校的JanKleissl和他的同事认为他们能提供补救的方法。

8.In 1977 he began two years of postdoctoral work in pharmaceutical chemistry at the University of Capfornia, San Francisco.1977年,他开始在加州大学进行了为期二年的药物化学方面的博士后工作。

9.The images reveal blurry dots, "just a handful of pixels, " says Garth Ilpngworth, a University of Capfornia, Santa Cruz, astrophysicist.照片中显示出一些模糊的小点。位于圣克鲁斯加州大学的天体物理学家加思·伊林沃思说:“像素非常微弱。”

10.In January researchers at the University of Capfornia, San Diego, found a promising method of using them to model diseases.圣地亚哥加利福尼亚大学的研究人员于一月发现可能使用胚胎干细胞治疗典型疾病的疗法。