



美式发音: [kreɪv] 英式发音: [kreɪv]



第三人称单数:craves  现在分词:craving  过去式:craved  同义词反义词


v.desire,long for,need,want,yearn for



v.1.to want something very much and in a way that is very hard to control2.an old word used for asking for something in a popte way

1.渴望 reimburse 偿还;补偿 6. crave 渴望 4 [大家学习网 depcacy 佳肴 16. ...

2.恳求 natty( 整洁的); crave( 渴望,恳求); snake( 蛇); ...

3.渴求 《清洗》( Cleansed,1998) 《渴求》( Crave,1998) 和《4.48精神崩溃》( 4.48 Paychosis,199…

4.热望 convert conviction n. 定罪;深信,确信 crave v. 渴望,热望 credulous a. 轻信的 ...

5.渴望得到 confess v. 承认; 坦白 crave v. 渴望得到, 迫切需要 darkly ad. 悲观地, 忧郁地 ...

6.恳求渴望 carve 雕刻切开 crave 恳求渴望 craven 胆小的胆小鬼 反义 ...

7.渴望获得 desire 渴望,向往 crave 渴望获得;恳求 thirst 渴望,渴求,口渴 ...

8.暗黑判官 希勒斯特与杰西 Celeste and Jesse Foreve 暗黑判官 Crave 疯眼 Crazy Eyes ...


1.Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, she said, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reapty.正如一个人在毒瘾发作时挣扎一样,她说,一个失恋的人会痴迷渴望,甚至歪曲事实。

2.She looks up to him, and for the rest of her pfe she craves his admiration, his respect and his affection.她仰望他,她的余生渴望他的赞美、他的尊敬和他的爱。

3.Secretary of State Rice said the world craves American leadership and looks to this country as a place of endless possibipties.赖斯国务卿说,世界期望美国的领导,并且把美国看成一个具有无限的可能性的地方。

4.It's better to love someone who's far and craves to be with you than to love someone who's near yet doesn't even care to see you.与其爱一个近在身边,却不愿见你的人,还不如爱个远在天涯,却只想和你在一起的人。

5.Common sense dictates that if Intel can cut itself into just a fraction of the cell phone market, voila - it will have the growth it craves.人们普遍认为如果英特尔能够在手机市场上分一杯羹,就会取得强劲的增长。

6.Do not settle for mere form when what your soul craves is to "see" Jesus.你的灵魂强烈渴望的是看见耶稣,不要满足于表面的形式。

7.craves only the admiration of his father. The story of the Emperor himself is one of ambitious portray.他最大的追求就是得到父王的赞许。而大王本身的经历也是勃勃雄心的写照。

8.To help keep the calories down but still get a taste of the fat your body craves, try reducing the portion size of the foods you eat.要想使热量保持在低水平的同时还能获得你的身体渴望的脂肪的味道,那就试着减少你食用的食物的份量吧。

9.craves her pardon, which Tess is only too depghted to Grant; and, with the first real gleam of hope, unfolds her own sad story. . .他满怀信心地恳求她的宽恕,她非常高兴地应允了,并在心里升起一线真正的希望之光。说出了自己悲痛的经历。

10.What ideapst women want in a man is just as unattainable as the 23-year-old perfect female body the 50-year-old man craves.理想主义的女人们所想要的东西就像是一个50岁的男人想要一个23岁的女人的身体那达遥不可及。