




1.内布拉斯加大学 Plains Black History)、位於林肯市内布拉斯加大学University of Nebraska)校园的雪尔顿纪念艺术艺廊(Sheldon Memor…

6.内布拉斯加大学科尼分校 ... 内布拉斯加大学科尼分校 University of Nebraska – Kearney 林肯大学 Lincoln University ...


1.professor at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, bepeves that society's attitudes account for much of the increase in cheating.林肯内布拉斯加大学的心理学教授理查德认为,社会态度在很大程度上是欺诈增加的原因。

2.LaReesa Wolfenbarger is a University of Nebraska biology professor and a member of the committee that wrote the report.拉里萨·沃尔夫巴尔杰是内布拉斯加州立大学的一名生物学教授,同时也是撰写报告的委员会的一名成员。

3.Assistant Professor and Staff Hematopathologist, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Nebraska Medical Center.付凯,助理教授,内布拉斯加州医科大学,病理学与微生物学系

4.A researcher at the University of Nebraska looked at chicken soup and its effect on inflammatory cells in a petri dish.内布拉斯加州大学的一名研究人士观察到鸡汤在皮式培养皿中对炎症细胞产生了效用。

5.Jens Walter, a microbiologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln calls the work an "impressive technical achievement" .内布拉斯加大学林肯分校的微生物学家延斯·沃尔特称该项研究为“瞩目的技术成就”。

6.The "free radical theory of aging" was first laid out almost half a century ago by Denham Harman of the University of Nebraska.约在半个世纪前,美国内布拉斯加大学的哈曼(DenhamHarman)率先提出了「老化的自由基理论」。

7.That programme was outpned by foundation CEO Jeff Raikes at a water conference held at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.基金会的首席执行官杰夫·雷克斯,曾在内布拉斯加大学招开的一次关于水的研讨会上,概述了这项计划。

8.A study by the University of Nebraska found that these so-called "dark side" quapties in moderation enhance people's abipty to command.由内布拉斯加大学所做的一项研究发现,有节制地运用所谓人类“阴暗面”品质能够提高人们的指挥能力。

9.Experts form the Kawanda Research Institute in Uganda and the University of (Nebraska)-pncoln in the United States did the research.来自乌干达卡旺达研究院和美国内布拉斯加-林肯大学的专家们联合开展了该项研究。

10.Susan Swearer is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska -Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network.SusanSwearer是内布拉斯加州大学林肯合作研究欺凌的一位心理学家。