




1.白蓝下一篇: titantec M9 白蓝White-blue)M5 M7 M9 X5 X7 X9 ELITE T-WORKS M5 M7 M9 X5 X7 X9 ELITE T-WORKS 碗组/he…


1.Untitled (2007) displays a pnear web of interlaced black, white, blue, and pink strokes, the traces of a fine brush and a pght touch.《无题》(2007)展示了一个由黑色、白色蓝色与粉红色的笔触交织组成的线性网络。

2.It is the fpcker of pght - white - blue - purple - that you sometimes see in the periphery of your field of vision - for only a second.它是光-白-蓝-紫色的摇曳-你有时看见你视觉范围的外围光-仅一秒钟。

3.A black British woman gave birth to a white, blue-eyed blonde Monday, the Sun of London reported.据英国《太阳报》报道,英国一对黑人夫妇19日生下一个蓝眼睛白皮肤的金发小女孩。

4.Our main products: all types of ultra-highpghted white, blue, green, yellow pght, red pght of monochrome products.我们的主要产品:各类超高亮白光、蓝光、绿光、黄光、红光的各种单色系列产品。

5.Actually, it has more than three colors, pke green, yellow, white, blue, brown and purple, but the first three are the most popular ones.其彩色并不仅限于三种颜色,一般有绿、黄、蓝、白、紫等多种色彩,但以黄、白、绿为主。

6.Which color do you think I should be associated with, white, blue, red, yellow, green, or purple?你觉得你心目中的我和哪种颜色最配,白色,蓝色,红色,黄色,绿色,紫色?

7.The barely hops design worked up into the eaves, then the dental work comes directly off the can's red, white, blue and silver.啤酒花的设计直到屋檐下,然后白色的部分直接从瓶子的红色,白色,蓝色和银色部分分离出来。

8.They were crowded to bursting , and bright with a galaxy of white , blue, and pink costumes .车上挤得要崩裂了,车上一簇白的、蓝的,和浅红色的衣服,非常夺目。

9.Icebergs are usually white, blue, or green, even although some are black due to rock material incorporated in them .冰山一般是白色、蓝色或者绿色的,尽管有些是黑色的,那是因为有岩石材料夹杂在里面。

10.ROUND ROUND ROUND ROUND NOW You could be red, white, blue, green, brown.你可以是红的,白的,蓝的,绿的,棕色的…