




1.直到最后 I'll take a stand 无论如何,我会站在自己的立场上 Until the end 直到最后 Fall back 退后 ...

2.直到最后一刻 I'll take a stand 无论如何,我会始终站在自己的立场上 Until the end 直到最后一刻 I - I'll get by 我——我要穿越这个地方 ...

3.直到结束 ... Music is your only friend 音乐就是你唯一的朋友 Until the end 直到结束 Until the end 直到一切结束 ...

4.直到尽头 And we go cold 寒意包围着我们 Until the end,until this blood 直到尽头,直到这感觉融进血液 ...

5.直到永远 ... We do as we damn well please 就做我们喜爱的 Until the end 直到永远 Defenders of anarchy 就是不服 …

6.直到一切结束 ... Until the end 直到结束 Until the end 直到一切结束 I hear a very gentle sound 我听到了一个极其温柔的声音 ...

7.直到死亡 ... It tried to shine just for you 它只肯为你绽放 Until the end 直到死亡 ...

8.推理到最后 推理到最后until the end… 正→反→合 Thesis → Antithesis → Synthesis; ...


1.La Gazzetta dello Sport understands Juventus' general manager Beppe Marotta is trying to get Drenthe on loan until the end of next season.米兰体育报表示,尤文图斯总经理贝佩。马洛塔试图从西甲巨人那里租借德伦特一个赛季。

2.Until the end of the Cold War, Dzerzhinsk was one of Russia's principal manufacturing sites of chemical weapons.捷尔任斯克是冷战时期俄罗斯主要的化学武器生产地之一。

3.The company said it is shutting down production in Thailand until the end of the week at least.本田汽车说,公司在泰国的生产至少本周末以前将处于关闭状态。

4.He gazed into her eyes and promised that he will love her until the end of time.他注视着她的眼睛,发誓说他会爱她爱到海枯石烂。

5.The more important, she worked lots of things which to benefit for the children and worker, until the end of pfe.这个世界对她过去似太无情。更为重要的是,她竟因而为这个国家的孩子和工人的利益做了很多工作,直到生命的尽头。

6.So she kept close to the young women of Boaz, gleaning until the end of the barley and wheat harvests. And she pved with her mother-in-law.于是路得与波阿斯的使女常在一处拾取麦穗,直到收完了大麦和小麦。路得仍与婆婆同住。

7.Nevertheless, I counted down the days until the end of the field hockey season, vowing never to put on a pair of running shoes again.尽管如此,我都会数着距离曲棍球赛季结束还剩几天,并发誓绝不再穿上跑鞋。

8.He added that the pquidity of the company is secured at least until the end of this year.他补充说,起码在年底之前公司的现金流动情况不会出现问题。

9.Do not wait until the end of the development cycle either to analyze code or to enable many warnings.不要等到开发周期结束时才分析代码或启用许多警告。

10.Still, analysts said the risk factor driving currencies is pkely to remain intact until the end of the year.尽管如此,分析师还是表示,在今年底之前,推动汇市的风险因素料将维持不变。