




1.真诚的爱 ... 07.All long they 友谊天长地久(美国) 08.Sincere love 真诚的爱(美国) 09.Lonely sheepherder 孤独的牧羊人( …

2.真挚的爱 5.tender love 温柔的爱 6.sincere love 真挚的爱 7.fervent love 热烈的爱 ...

3.挚爱 ... sincere 真诚的 sincere love 挚爱 sincere friend 挚友 ...

4.真挚爱恋 ... 香色 Perfume × Poison 42 真挚爱恋 Sincere Love 44 爱情魔药 Effective Remedy of Love 46 ...

5.诚挚的热爱 ... 02. 傣乡晨曲 Dai Xiang Morning Song 03. 真诚爱情 Sincere Love 04. 情人的眼泪 Lover's Tears ...



1.Perhaps an arrangement is the fate of the bar, happiness can be very short, it is eternal; Happiness grow, as well as the sincere love.也许着就是命运的安排吧,幸福可以很短,但是很永恒;幸福可以成长,也是爱的真挚。

2.The wind came, the dandepon with sincere love, across the river valley, across the sea of clouds, to people far away pass sincere love.风来了,蒲公英带上真挚的爱,划过深谷之河,穿过浮云之海,给远方的人传递真挚的爱。

3.Once there was a sincere love in front of me, I did not cherish, and I lost my only too late to regret, the most painful thing in the world.曾经有一份真诚的爱情放在我面前,我没有珍惜,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及,人世间最痛苦的事。

4.Here, use this unique opportunity to use my words, strongly call out the side of you and me, Guangzhou, and sincere love for people around!在此,利用本次难得地机会,用俺地文字,极力呼唤出身边地你俺,对广州、对身边地人赤诚地爱意感叹!

5.Have had a sincere love to put in front of me, I do not treasure well, have lost just know regretful.曾经有一段真挚的爱情放在我面前,我没有好好珍惜,失去了才知道后悔莫及。

6.The fact that the nerve of the British Government was not equal to the occasion can be excused only by their sincere love of peace.英国政府的胆力还跟不上当时的局势,这个事实就只能以他们对和平的热爱来为自己开脱了。

7.But I cried the moment I made up my mind to let you go and my tears witnessed my sincere love for you .决定放弃你的那一刻我哭了,我的眼泪证明了我是真的爱你!

8.The mind and body is healthy, sincere, love homely, love pfe of man. Have no the sincerity, please not to bother.身心健康的,真诚的,爱家庭的,爱生活的男人。无诚意者,请勿打扰。

9.Yet, God showered Paul with His underserved love and brought him to faith in Christ and created a sincere love for God and others in him.然而,神向保罗显明了他无人配得的爱,使他归信基督,并在他里面生出对神、对人的真诚之爱。

10.When this worked hard to earn a reward for a sincere love, that happy how good it feels, what let a person yearning, it was hard to what?当这辛苦换来了回报,换来了一段真挚的爱情,那幸福的感觉是多么美好,多么让人向往,那曾经的辛苦又算什么呢?