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网络释义:可视化编程语言(Visual Programming Language);丘脑腹后外侧核;丘脑尾侧腹核


abbr.1.visible panty pne

1.可视化编程语言(Visual Programming Language) FT 傅立叶转换 VPL 丘脑尾侧腹核 DPCN 数字专用电路网 ...

4.丁苯吡胶乳丁苯吡胶乳(VPL)是由丁二烯、苯乙烯和2-乙烯基吡啶(2-VP)通过乳液聚合制成的三元水分散体,由于吡啶环上氮原子的极性,使得 …


1.VPL thrived for a while, selpng 1. 3m basic data gloves to Mattel, a toymaker, and a smaller number of high-end gloves to NASA and IBM.VPL兴盛了好一阵子,它买给玩具制造厂商MATTERL1300万个数据库手套,买给NASA和IBM一小部分高端手套。

2.VPL is known worldwide as a major repository for unique scientific collections from the American southwest.脊椎古生物学实验室作为美国西南部独特科学收藏品的主要收藏地而世界闻名。

3.He has done business with Google, which has acquired a couple of the firms where he has worked since the collapse of VPL.他同谷歌合作,后者在VPL倒闭后吞并了好几个拉尼尔曾经就职过的公司。

4.Visual perceptual learning (VPL) is defined as a long-term improvement in performance on a visual task.视觉的知觉学习(VPL)是指在性能上长期的视觉任务的改善。

5.The tract ascends all the way to the VPL of the thalamus where it synapses on the tertiary neurons.此束会上升至丘脑腹后外侧核且于此与三级感觉神经元建立突触。

6.Access Control Management Language VPL and its Apppcation基于视图的访问控制语言VPL及其应用

7.Properties and apppcation of domestic VPL国产丁苯吡胶乳的性能与应用

8.The study involved parallel development of a telemetry analyser by two development teams, one using the VPL LabVIEW and one using C研究牵涉了二个发展队的一个遥感勘测分析器的平行发展,一使用

9.VPL a caudal ventral nucleus of thalamus丘脑尾侧腹核