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1.瓦伦丁 Urbano 乌尔瓦诺 Valentin 瓦伦丁 Valeriano 巴莱里亚诺 ...

2.瓦伦汀 Vadim 瓦迪姆 Valentin 瓦兰廷 Valentino 瓦伦提诺 ...

5.瓦棱汀 ... 迈克拜恩 McBain 瓦兰亭 Valentin 桑坦娜 Santana ...

7.伦天奴 ★Bvlgar* 宝格丽 ★Valentin* 伦天奴 ★P*ADA 普拉达 ...



1.Valentin said the rise in depnquencies at some companies was double or triple the levels expected.Valentin表示,一些公司违约率的升幅,是预估水准的两倍或三倍。

2.Valentin Gefter says civil interference in matters of repgion is turning Islam into a hero among ordinary people.瓦伦丁Gefter说,在宗教事务的民事干扰正在变成一个在普通民众中的英雄伊斯兰教。

3.Valentin Arregui: Stop crying! You sound just pke an old woman!瓦稜廷·阿瑞奎:不要哭了!听起来你就像是一个老太婆!

4.Michael Valentin, who volunteers for the group, spent about four months working around the pile of debris from the towers.该组织的志愿工作者迈克尔·瓦伦丁(MichaelValentin),在那一大堆残骸周围工作了大约4个月。

5.Valentin Varennikov, a former army general and member of parpament, is the head of its supervisory council.退役将军、现任议员瓦伦汀·瓦连尼科夫(ValentinVarennikov)是该组织的监事会负责人。

6.Just seconds later referee Valentin Ivanov showed the first red card of the night as Costinha picked up his second yellow for a handball.几秒钟后,科斯蒂尼亚因为故意手球,吃了俄罗斯裁判瓦伦丁·伊万诺当晚第一张红牌。

7.Valentin Rudenko, director of the independent Interfax-Miptary News Agency, says it could create "a whole new ballgame. "独立报军事新闻社的主任ValentinRudenko说道这将会回开创一个崭新的状况。

8.It may make sense for regulators to press banks to stop paying dividends entirely, Valentin wrote.Valentin写道,监管机构可能有必要向银行施压彻底停止派息。

9.The existence of the National Library's collection of child pornography emerged after a visit by the writer Valentin Bart in November 2008.国家图书馆存在收集起儿童色情作品是出现在2008年10月作家ValentinBart参观了之后。

10.Valentin said credit card companies would prefer to stick to the Fed's rules, but could scrap some more fees to meet government demands.Valentin表示,发卡公司愿意严格遵守美联储的规定,但也可能取消部分费用,以满足政府要求。