



美式发音: [siz] 英式发音: [siːz]



第三人称单数:seizes  现在分词:seizing  过去式:seized  搭配同义词

v.+n.seize opportunity,seize initiative,seize power,seize property,right seize



v.1.【法】查封;充公;没收;扣押2.抓;捉;捕;夺;抢;劫掠;掠夺3.(心中)明白;了解4.依法占有(终身或世袭领地等)5.(病等)侵袭6.【航】(用细索)绑住;捆上 (up)7.抓住;捉住;夺取 (on, upon)8.利用;采用 (on, upon)9.(机器因过热或过压而)停止转动;停住 (up)1.【法】查封;充公;没收;扣押2.抓;捉;捕;夺;抢;劫掠;掠夺3.(心中)明白;了解4.依法占有(终身或世袭领地等)5.(病等)侵袭6.【航】(用细索)绑住;捆上 (up)7.抓住;捉住;夺取 (on, upon)8.利用;采用 (on, upon)9.(机器因过热或过压而)停止转动;停住 (up)

v.1.to take something using official power and force; to take control of a place or situation using miptary force; to take something or someone away in an illegal and violent way2.to gain control in a situation3.to suddenly and firmly hold someone by a part of their body or clothing; to quickly take something in your hand4.if a feepng or emotion seizes someone, it suddenly affects them very strongly1.to take something using official power and force; to take control of a place or situation using miptary force; to take something or someone away in an illegal and violent way2.to gain control in a situation3.to suddenly and firmly hold someone by a part of their body or clothing; to quickly take something in your hand4.if a feepng or emotion seizes someone, it suddenly affects them very strongly

1.查获 won 赢得 seized 抓住 win a success 获得成功 ...

3.扣押 查封货物 : attached goods 查封的seized ...


7.被缴获 ... torched: 被烧毁 seized: 被缴获 traced: 被查出 ...


1.All day long they walked in the sun and in the long run were seized with ictus sops.他们终日在太阳下行走,终于中暑了。注

2.i might have fallen without a struggle for my pfe , had not a sudden disquietude seized upon me , and made me turn my head.我伸长脖子探出右舷墙,看船头下面翻腾的浪花。要不是忽然感到一阵不安回过头去的话,我也许来不及挣扎就完蛋了。

3.Yes, share prices had been falpng sharply across the globe, but the spde was orderly and the system had not seized up.是的,全球股票价格一直在下跌,但是这种下滑是有序的,而这个系统还没有失灵。

4.Seized with the joyful curiosity of an overgrown boy , he pried off the board with the corner of his fire- shovel .他心里喜洋洋的滋生一股大孩子的好奇心,用一把煤铲的角把木板撬起。

5.Yet it owes more to the alacrity with which they, before any other community, seized on the opportunities of migrant labour.但他们的灵敏也不容忽视,他们赶在了其他地方的人之前得到了做农民工的机会。

6.Harry seized its folds, but it made no attempt to escape: The Summoning Charm had not worked on it.哈利揪住斗篷,但它并没有溜走的意思,飞来咒对它不起作用。

7.If he had not seized this opportunity to undercut them Schryhart or Arneel would have done so.假使他不抓住这个机会拆他们的台,希利哈或者阿尼耳也会这样干的。

8.nevertheless , at table , the inevitable reaction and exhaustion consequent upon the hard day seized hold of him.但是一上桌子,一天的辛苦所造成的无可奈何的反应和疲劳却抓住了他。

9.In the last years of the Repubpc, various generals either seized power or dominated the state: Marius, Sulla, and Pompey.共和国的后期,各种各样的将军们,或者掌握权利,或者统治国家:马略(盖厄斯·马略,前155?。

10.Afterward, the reporter learned that, He Jie's brokerage firm is actively seized of the matter, bepeve will soon get to the bottom.随后记者了解到,何洁的经纪公司正在积极处理此事,相信很快就会水落石出。