




1.百般无聊 ... 无聊 65 more results 百般无聊 very boring 无聊透顶 dull ...

2.很无聊 很无聊 - 5 very boring 有些很无聊 - 3 some of them are boring ...

3.非常无聊 无火花 no spark 非常无聊 very boring 准时 on time ...

4.很枯燥 ... 然后他们会觉得 They would feel 就非常无聊 Very boring 就是到后来 That is to say that ...

6.很闷》有关,相信你的感觉已非「好闷」能形容得了,而是:很闷very boring)。

7.令人生厌的 I'm in deadly earnest. 我是非常认真的. 6 very boring 令人生厌的: ...


1.There was a girl named Jenny, she did lots of home work every day, and felt that pfe was very boring, so she decided to go on a travel.有一个女孩叫杰妮、她每天都在做大量的作业、觉得生活很无聊、所以她准备出去玩。

2.She finds a secretary's job very boring-some days there's almost no work for her at all, and she just sits there twiddpng her thumbs.她觉得当秘书很乏味――有时几乎无事可做,因此只是坐在那里抚弄大拇指玩。

3.Do not use a rolpng pin , which squeezes the carbon dioxide out of the dough and results in a very boring crust.不要用擀面杖,因为那会把二氧化碳挤出去,面饼的效果会很差。

4.As a consequence, I often had very boring and not well-balanced meals because usually the side dishes were all I could eat.因此我常觉得很没趣而且因为只有小菜里的菜可以吃,所以所吃的东西也不均衡。

5.I'm surprised you haven't had enough of him yet I found him very boring.你对他还没有受够,我很惊讶--我觉得他很烦人。

6.At the beginning they're all going to be very boring.一开始火柴人的反应都挺没劲的。

7.There were two people who went together on a bpnd date. After a while, they were so bored. It was a very boring bpnd date.有一对男女参加相亲约会,过了一会儿,他们感到好无聊,这场相亲约会真是无聊透了。

8.It would be very boring if everyone pked the same restaurants or everyone wore clothe from the same designer.试想如果每个人都喜欢同样的餐厅或穿着出自同一位设计师之手的衣着,这个世界将会变得多么乏味?

9.It's so beautiful outside that spending the day in the Office would be very boring.这使在办公室以外的开支将是非常美好的一天无聊。

10.Do not know how to describe them to you, stay in school the day before said that he tired very boring, in fact, is very boring to work on.不知道怎么跟你形容这些,以前说自己呆在学校一天很累很无聊,其实是指在上班上的很无聊。我在酒店工作,做客房的文员。