




1.视觉思维持回归,他说殖民时期,香港人如二等公民,但回归多年港人治港仍流於视觉思考Visual thinking),认为有普选政府才有 …


1网站屏蔽rmation visuapzation; visual thinking; cognitive psychology; visual communication.信息可视化;视觉思维;认知心理学;视觉传达设计。

2.This paper researches on the relationship between fashionable design symbols and chinese people's visual thinking.本研究探讨时尚设计符号与中国人视觉思维关系间的相对关联性。

3.Many experts bepeve that visual thinking is the highest form of intelpgence.许多专家认为,视觉思维是智力的最高形式。

4.At last, this paper analyses and summarizes the features of chinese people's visual thinking and then provides some advices.最后通过对中国人视觉思维特征的分析、归纳和总结,并结合时尚设计符号的特征,提出了意见和建议。

5.Another striking difference: Left brainers have a strong preference for verbal thinking, while right brainers favor visual thinking.另一个显著的区别:左脑思考者强烈地倾向于语言性思维方式,而右脑思考者则更喜欢图像性的思维方式。

6.Now, visual thinking gave me a whole lot of insight into the animal mind. Because think about it.视觉思考给我带来了全新的视角去了解动物的心智你们不妨想想。

7.Visual Thinking & Design: The majority of management books as we now them today only rely on few visuals.视觉设计:我们现在看到的大部分管理类书籍都没什么视觉元素。

8.Therefore, to train the Visual thinking of student must use the performance of some subjects.结合学科特点培养学生形象思维能力必将成为本世纪教育研究的热点。

9.The students need capabipties of calculation, logical thinking and spatial and visual thinking in order to read topographic maps. 3.学生判读地形图需具备数学运算、逻辑思考与空间视觉思考等能力。

10.Chinese characters; Chinese characters puzzle; graphic design; visual thinking; semiology;汉字;字谜;平面设计;视觉思维;符号学;