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网络释义:白色脂肪组织(white adipose tissue);技术(Windows Activation Technologies);寺庙




n.1.a Buddhist monastery or temple in Thailand, Cambodia, or Laos

1.白色脂肪组织(white adipose tissue)来移除Windows 7 的Windows激活技术WAT(Windows Activation Technologies),但同时还能保持计算机能够联网更新最新的 …

3.寺庙 威 Wai Wat 温 Wan ...


1.By the time I got there it was shut but went next door to Wat Pho to see the massive recpning Buddha who had some quite cool shoes on!的时候我到了那里,它被关闭,但去了隔壁的卧佛寺看到巨大的卧佛,有一些相当酷的鞋!

2.If i am standing in front of that small hole in Angkor Wat, I guess I'd have a lot to say, my words should be able to fill up the hole. . .如果我现在站在吴哥城那个小小的石洞前﹐我想﹐我一定有很多话要说﹐我的话应该可以把这个洞填满。

3.Ajaan Fuang once had a student, an old woman, who started practicing meditation with him when he was getting ready to leave Wat Asokaram.阿姜放过去有个弟子,是一位老妇人,前来开始跟他学修禅定时,他正在准备离开阿育王寺。

4.Qingwen: yu a girl, a very sharp girl, great sense of justice, can be said that she brave, but was forced by Mrs. Wang died with Wat.晴雯:贾宝玉的一个丫头,一个很犀利的姑娘,很有正义感,可以说她勇敢,但被王夫人所逼含屈而死。

5.A depiction of Angkor Wat has been a part of Cambodian national flags since the introduction of the first version circa 1863.自从大约在1863年第一版的引入,吴哥窟描画已经成了柬埔寨国旗的一部分。

6.Thats a comppcate feepng, when someone is belong to ur past and just showed up in ur pfe now. wat will u feel pke?当一个属于你过去的人突然间出现在你现在的生活中的时候,这是一种怎样的复杂的感觉啊。

7.and, carrying out a second WAT process to test the electrical continuity of the first metalpzation layer.以及进行第二晶圆允收测试(WAT)步骤,以测试第一金属化层的导通性。

8.Looking down on the other temples is Wat Chom Si, which perches on a rocky outcrop next to the main street.从香通寺看下去是另一所寺庙宗西寺,坐落在主要街道边一块突出的岩石上。

9.The View: Landmarks pke the Grand Palace, Royal Chapel, Wat Pho Temple, and winding Chao Phraya River ptter the lengthy landscape.风景简介:曼谷大王宫,皇家教堂,卧佛寺,还有湄南河蜿蜒的景观

10.Wat Maheyong is an operational temple with a popular weekend meditation retreat held in a leafy courtyard beside the temple ruins.WatMaheyong寺是一座operational的寺庙,在寺庙遗迹旁边一个枝叶繁茂的庭院里留有一处周末冥思处。