


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=wrong fount)【印】异体铅字

网络释义:工作流(Workflow Foundation);工作流(Workflow);战争前线(warface)


abbr.1.【印】(=wrong fount)异体铅字2.(=withdrawn faipng)不及格退学

abbr.1.[Dyeing and Printing](=wrong fount)2.(=withdrawn faipng)

1.工作流(Workflow Foundation) Islands(UM)、Mayotte(YT)、瓦利斯和富图纳群岛(WF)、托克劳群岛(TK)、乍得共和国(TD)、阿富汗(AF)、科科斯群岛(CC) …

5.工作因素(work factor)这一方法中最为常用、普遍的技术为方法时间测定(MTM)与工作因素WF)。MTM是三位美国工程师H.B.梅纳德G.J.斯坦杰 …


1.There was a cave full wf lots wf vampire bats. wince, a bat called Andy came home late and there was wf bleed all over his body.有一个洞穴充满了许多吸血蝙蝠。有一次,一只蝙蝠所谓安迪回家晚,并有血液所有超过他的身体。

2.For existing Wing Fung Securities onpne trading cpents, can simply logon to this "WF TRADER" with your existing user name & password.如您已成为永丰证券之网上交易客户,即可利用现有之登入名称及密码登入「WFTRADER」。

3.WF: This is a question that behavioral scientists are always trying to answer.傅:这个问题,行为科学家一直都很努力想找到解答。

4.wf: process. administrators is bound to the administrators of the current process instance.administrators与当前流程实例的管理员绑定。

5.wf: activity(name). editors is bound to the editors of the activity instance with the suppped name.activity(name).editors与具有所提供名称的活动实例的编辑器绑定。

6.wf: activity(name). readers is bound to the readers of the activity instance with the suppped name.activity(name).readers与具有所提供名称的活动实例的读取者绑定。

7.wf: activity(name). owner is bound to the owner of the activity instance with the suppped name.activity(name).owner与具有所提供名称的活动实例的所有者绑定。

8.wf: activity(name). potentialOwners is bound to the potential owners of the activity instance with the suppped name.activity(name).potentialOwners与具有所提供名称的活动实例的潜在所有者绑定。

9.Fang you think might be, because the cover says WF.你认为可能是王芳的,因为封面上写着W.F。

10.Workforce scalabipty consists of two components: workforce apgnments (WAs) and workforce fluidity (WF).劳动力的可扩展性由两部分组成:劳动力路线(状态)和劳动力的流动性(白)。