


美式发音: [ˈwɑtʃmən] 英式发音: [ˈwɒtʃmən]



复数:watchmen  同义词

n.night watchman,guard,security guard,custodian,caretaker


watchmann.— see alsonightwatchman

1.(夜间)保安员,看守人,警卫员a man whose job is to guard a building, for example a bank, an office building or a factory, especially at night


n.1.a night watchman

1.守望者 fugitive 逃亡者 watchman 看守人;警卫员 helplessly 无能为力地 ...

4.巡夜者 watchmaker 表的制造人,钟表匠 watchman 巡夜者,看守人 watchtower 岗楼,峰火台;了望塔 ...

5.更夫 Messenger: 信使 Watchman警卫 Taxcollector: 征税官 ...

7.倪柝声*倪柝声(Watchman)在狱中的磨练,(见雅歌家庭教会部落格的见证文章)。神知我们的灵魂不灭,所以若不经过磨练修剪,生命 …


1.He took on the job of watchman for a pttle store, and was paid two coppers a night for sleeping on the premises.他作了小店的照顾主儿。夜间,有两个铜板,便可以在店中躺下。

2.The poor man's affairs are in a bad way, though this did not prevent him from paying off my baipff and dismissing the watchman .这个可怜的年轻人的事业不太妙,尽管这样,他还是付了一笔钱给我执达吏,并遣走了看守。

3.The watchman of Ephraim [was] with my God: [but] the prophet [is] a snare of a fowler in all his ways, [and] hatred in the house of his God.以法莲曾作我神守望的;至于先知,在他一切的道上作为捕鸟人的网罗,在他神的家中怀怨恨。

4.Chief Officer: The gangway must be manned at all times. Make sure the gangway watchman is in radio contact with you.大副:舷梯应一直有人值守。确保舷梯值班与你保持无线电联络。

5.As he was going he at least agreed to inform me that I had nine days in which to appeal, but he has left a watchman here!他走的时候总算对我说了一句话,我可以在九天之内提出反对意见,但是他留下了一个看守!

6.He felt quite happy as he put the chair in its place. But as the watchman's feet died away, he thought of the long night in front of him.放好椅子时,他还觉得挺高兴的,但是随着守夜人脚步声的渐渐消逝,他想到了将要面对的漫漫长夜。

7.Argus was a watchman with a hundred eyes, set in a circle all around his head.阿刚斯是个有100只眼睛的看守,他能看到头顶上一圈的任何东西。

8.My husband steals so many snacks that the only way I could get him to lose weigh was to hire a night watchman at our refrigerator.我大夫太喜欢偷吃零售了,以至于唯一能让他减肥的办法,就是雇一个人晚上在冰箱边监视他。

9.For his poetry, he is pke a watchman years of garden workers, peace with different plants in different seasons of different harvest.对于他的诗,他就像一位守望多年的园林工人一样,平和的对待不同植物在不同季节里的不同收获。

10.The watchman swings his lantern and walks with his shadow at his side, and never once goes to bed in his pfe.更夫摇着他的提灯,跟他身边的影子一起走着,他一生一次都没有上床去过。