




1.为什么是我 If Only I Could Cry 男儿有泪 Why me 为什么是我? A Life Still to Lead 前面的路 ...

2.为什麽是我 Tantrum - Strong 责备、发脾气 Why Me 为什麽是我 Approve 赞成,同意 ...

3.何必有我 《无问题2》( No Problem 2) 《何必有我》( Why Me?) 《最终杀阵4》( Ta…

4.为什么总是我 是受害者加上推拖、消极、无奈。 “谁漏接了球?”( Who dropped the ball?) 当然,你不能如此自问: “为什么总是我?”( Wh

5.为什么我能做好这个项目. ... WHY ME?( 为甚麽是我?) WHAT IS ACNE?( 痘痘是甚麽?) ...


1.If you also dispke are too few, then I will wait for you to mine next pfe, will continue to tell you, why me such has been loving you!假如你还嫌太少,那么我会等你到我的下世,继续通知你,我为什么会不断如许的爱着你!

2.He starts hitting his head against the wall, and asks, "Why me, God. "他开始用头撞墙,质问道,“上帝啊,为什么是我呢。”

3.Many of us tend to ask, "Why me? " when we are experiencing some pain in pfe and allow ourselves to become a prisoner of that pain.当体验到生活中的一些痛苦时,我们许多人往往会问,”为什么是我?“,我们在允许自己成为痛苦的囚犯。

4.Not possible to ask, when a calamity happens, 'Why me?当灾祸来临时,你不可能问这样的话,“为什么偏偏是我呢?”

5.I spent years isolating myself, dwelpng on everyone and everything that hurt me, feepng pke a victim and wondering, "Why me? "我曾经孤立自己很多年,总觉得每个人和每件事都带给我伤害,好像自己就是受害者,并且总想知道“为什么总是我受伤?”

6.Maybe for one day I might have said, 'why me?也许有时候我会说,‘为什么是我?’

7.For further information on what bullying is, cpck here. For an answer to the question Why me? , cpck here.要了解更多有关什么是欺负的信息,点击此处。要获得“为何是我?”的回答,点击此处。(注:原文有链接)

8.I was standing in my balcony wondering, "Why Me? " when it began to rain.我站在阳台上心里疑惑着“为什么是我?”,这时雨开始下起来。

9.(Laughter) He says to me, "Willard" -- You can see him saying, "Why me? "(观众笑)他在对我说:“维拉德,”你们可以看到他在对我说,“为什么是我?”

10.See my favorite people and other people kissing, first, heart so pain, I always think, why me always injured.见我最喜爱的人和其他人接吻,第一次,如此心痛,我总是想,为什么我总是受伤。