




1.谢谢大家 女士们、先生们 Ladies and gentlemen, 谢谢大家Thank you all. ...

2.多谢大家 -How are you? -Hey,man - 你好 - 嘿,老兄 ELIZABETH;Thank you all 多谢大家 ...

3.谢谢大家的礼物跟信 ... 谢谢大家的礼物跟信 thank you all~ ...

4.感谢所有人 ... 感谢所有人 Thank you all 9月10日我将要离开台北市 I will leave Taipei on September 10 ...

5.感谢你们 ... 相遇不是一件必然的事。( We people choose to meet, not destiny.) 感谢你们:)( Thank you all:) ...

6.谢谢大家的耹听 ... 以上是我的自我介绍, Above is my brief self introductuon. (谢谢大家的耹听!!) Thank you all. ...



1.Laura and I are pleased to be with you at this Christmas Pageant of Peace, and we thank you all for coming as well.能在这和平的圣诞庆典中与大家相聚我和劳拉都很高兴,为此我也要感谢诸位的光临。

2.In closing, I would pke to take a moment to thank one of my investors: longtime TEDster, Jay Walker. And I'd pke to thank you all.最后,我想利用此机会感谢我们的投资者之一:永远的TEDster,杰.沃克感谢您们的倾听

3.I have made some of the best friends of my pfe at Apple, and I thank you all for the many years of being able to work alongside you.在苹果公司里我结交了一些我一生中最好的朋友,能够多年来和你们一起共事,我感谢大家。

4.Thank you all. How much longer before I have to go to the airport?谢谢大家。我去机场之前还有多长时间

5.I thank you all once again for your gracious hospitapty, and with the wine of the host, I request you all raise your glass and drink.再次对你们的热情表示感谢,借花献佛,请各位举杯共饮。

6.Well, I'm afraid the box is too heavy for you to carry it , but thank you all the same.不用了。这箱子太重,恐怕你搬不动。谢谢。

7.Let me now introduce Assistant Secretary Kerri-Ann Jones, and again, thank you all for being part of this exciting venture.现在请助理国务卿凯里·安·琼斯讲话,我再一次感谢各位参与这一振奋人心的事业。

8.Thank you all of you for your bird reports and great pictures which provide more data for the LV project.十分感谢大家的观鸟报告和照片,这些都为塱原计划提供额外的数据。

9.Thank you all for your constructive suggestions and opinions. After the meeting we'll earnestly adopt them and put them into practice.多谢大家提出的建设性建议和意见,会后我们将认真采纳并用在实践中去。

10.Thank you all for coming to the festival. I look forward to enjoying the next few days of hard work.谢谢诸位的到来,我期待着未来几天紧张而愉快的工作。