


网络释义:朝鲜劳动党(Workers' Party of Korea);白粉色;傻仔权


1.朝鲜劳动党(Workers' Party of Korea)

2.白粉色 53 yoyo 何 67 Wpk 傻仔权 76 sIu 乂蓝莓 ...

4.威尔顿 行情 论坛 : 0.16 % 资料 GP:0.16 % 威尔顿 WPK:0.12 % 仁博 SP:0.12 % ...


1.The WPK itself had seemingly sppped into obscurity until a few years ago, with most of the top posts unfilled after incumbents died.朝鲜劳动党似乎在多年前就陷入失声状态,很多高层职位在就任者去世后都没有获得填补。

2.The WPK was forged by late Chairman Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the DPRK people, and has a glorious revolutionary tradition.朝鲜劳动党是朝鲜人民的伟大领袖金日成主席亲手缔造的,具有光荣的革命传统。

3.The WPK delegation is received by the International Department of the CPC Central Committee which I suggest you refer to for the specifics.这个代表团是劳动党代表团,由中联部负责接待,具体情况我建议你向中联部询问。

4.On questions relating to the WPK conference, I suggest you refer to competent authorities.关于朝鲜党代会的相关问题,建议你向中方相关部门询问。

5.All three known close relatives of Kim Jong Il received posts in the WPK.我们已知的金正日的三个亲属全部获得了朝鲜劳动党内的职务。

6.From 1945 until 1980, the WPK held six Party Congresses and two conferences or delegate's meetings.自1945年到1980年,朝鲜劳动党召开了六次党员代表大会和两次代表会议。

7.The 21st and so far last plenum of the WPK was held in December 1993.21世纪唯一一次和迄今为止最后一次劳动党全体会议召开是在1993年。

8.This means that on average, the WPK had one major Party event every 4. 4 years.也就是说,这段时间朝鲜劳动党平均每4.4年召开一次大型党的会议。

9.Besides, do you have any comment on the conference of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), the election of new leader in particular?另外,中方对朝鲜劳动党代表大会、尤其是新领导人的选举有何评论?