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abbr.〈美(=Wall Street Journal)《华尔街日报》

网络释义:华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal);美国华尔街日报;华尔街报


abbr.1.〈美〉(=Wall Street Journal)《华尔街日报》

abbr.1.<AmE>(=Wall Street Journal)

1.华尔街日报(Wall Street Journal) UNTERM 联合国词汇查询系统 WSJ 美国华尔街日报 AFPC 美国外交政策 ...

3.华尔街报、法国国际广播集团(RFI)、今日俄罗斯(RT)、华尔街杂志WSJ)、德国之声(Deutsche Welle)、美国有线电视公共 …

5.华尔街日报报导据华尔街日报报导(WSJ),美国联准会主席柏南克(Ben Bernanke)近日解释退场机制时表示,会支付利息给将金钱存放在联准会 …


1.WSJ: Asia seems to be a hot spot for you at the moment, right?华尔街日报:亚洲似乎是你现在关注的黄金地区,是吗?

2.WSJ: How much can the yuan appreciate before it starts to impact ZTE?WSJ:人民币升值到什么程度才会对中兴通讯造成影响?

3.WSJ: With action sequences, how much is preplanned and how much is improvised on the set?《华尔街日报》:动作片镜头有多少是事先安排好的,有多少是现场发挥的?

4.As I noted at the time, I thought this may have been Apple pushing WSJ in a certain direction to set expectations.正如我当时评论的,我认为这也许是苹果公司促使华尔街日报朝一个确认的方向来设定预期。

5.WSJ: How much contprocedure do you maintain with staff in contributeition the main operates?《华尔街日报》:你和员工以及主要业务连结若干接洽?

6.WSJ: What are the apps you think might be particular exciting for Chinese iPhone users?《华尔街日报》:你认为中国的iPhone用户尤其会感到兴奋的第三方应用程序有什么?

7.But today we read in the WSJ that China has seen the cracks and is getting ready to invest in commercial mortgages and related securities.但我们从《华尔街日报》上读到,中国已看到这种下跌,正准备投资商业抵押贷款及相关证券。

8.WSJ: The things people end up doing when they're tempted seem to be a failure of moral compass.《华尔街日报》:人们受到诱惑时的所作所为似乎意味着道德准绳的失灵。

9.WSJ: What is often overlooked in organizing expenses?《华尔街日报》:在费用管理方面经常会忽视什么?

10.WSJ: It sounds pke you're not a bepever that Asia can do well during a slump in the U. S. and Europe, a scenario known as decouppng?《华尔街日报》:听起来你好像不认为亚洲在美国和欧洲陷入萧条期间会有良好的经济表现,即所谓的脱钩论。