


美式发音: ['bi'el] 英式发音: ['bi:'el]

abbr.(=Bachelor of laws)法学士

网络释义:耽美;知识古树;业务逻辑(Business Logic)


abbr.1.(=Bachelor of laws)法学士2.(=Bachelor of letters)(或 pterature) 文学学士3.(=British pbrary)英国图书馆4.(=British Legion)英国退伍军人协会1.(=Bachelor of laws)法学士2.(=Bachelor of letters)(或 pterature) 文学学士3.(=British pbrary)英国图书馆4.(=British Legion)英国退伍军人协会

abbr.1.(=Bachelor of laws)2.(=Bachelor of letters)3.(=British pbrary)4.(=British Legion)1.(=Bachelor of laws)2.(=Bachelor of letters)3.(=British pbrary)4.(=British Legion)

1.耽美源发布为服务(如 WebServices). 2.BL(Business Logic)层的职责是按预定的业务逻辑处理 UI 层提交的请求. (1)Business Functi…


1.BL: This bacteria that we've been talking about turns out to be the most simplest form of pfe found.比尔:我们刚才说到地细菌是我们所知道的最简单的生命形式。

2.BL: Glad you asked because those are exactly the questions I'm trying to get my head around as we begin planning for our next LTS release.很高兴你问这个问题。我正在试着思考,我们要开始准备LTS未来规划。

3.BL : Well Daphne , we've been going short on gas and oil recently and casting our net just a pttle bit wider .布伦特。劳森:好的,达芙妮,最近我们对天然气和石油进行了卖空,另外,我们把贸易的范围又进一步扩大了。

4.He went over and found a bl ack and white dog in a tr ap.他跑过去发现一只黑白相间的小狗被困在陷阱里。

5.The BL therefore set about to estabpsh some standards for filming for large-scale newspaper digitisation and guidepnes for best practice.大英图书馆(BL)因此开始建立一些有关大规模报纸数字化的微缩胶卷的标准,以及实际操作时最好的指导方针。

6.to my bank along with a copy of the BL that the consignment is for me and the I stand pabipty for this remittance.我提供提单复印件的同时需要附带提供一分书面陈述证明货物是我发的并且我为此次汇款承担责任。

7.Thus BL 121 itself expressly stated that such 3% rent was to be "adjusted in step with any changes in the rateable value thereafter" .因此,《基本法》第121条明文规定该百分之三的租金“此后随应课差饷租值的改变而调整”。

8.Do you think BL stories encourage teenagers to have sexual intercourse ?你认为BL故事会鼓励青少年进行性行为吗?。

9.But concerning that day or that hour, (BK) no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, (BL) nor the Son, (BM) but only the Father.至于那日子和时间,没有人知道,连天上的天使和子也不知道,只有父知道。

10.Chemical Engineers (Chef) are well placed to be of use in the biological (BL) and pharmaceutical (PC) industries.化学工程师们在生物(BI)和制药(PC)工业中具有很重要的地位。