


网络释义:Web Tools Platform; 支付意愿(wilpngness to pay); 无线传输协议(Wireless Transaction Protocol)


1.Web Tools PlatformWEB Tools PlatformWTP)作为一个基于 Ecppse 开发 J2EE WEB 应用程序的工具集,它提供了创建 J2EE 工程向导、创建 …

2.支付意愿(wilpngness to pay)  支付意愿WTP)是一个用来衡量直接和间接效益的概念。对大多数的乘客来说,WTP比他们实际支付的费用高。

3.无线传输协议(Wireless Transaction Protocol)基站发出请求,使用无线传输协议(WTP) 在无线网络中传输。 -- 来源 -- science - 汉英 好评(0) 差评(0) 而是在配置基站或 CDM …

4.支付意愿法  上限值运用支付意愿法WTP),中限和下限值运用修正的人力资本法(YPLL)和(VSL),我们可以得到西安市1996-2003 …


1.This plug-in allows you to use WTP as a very basic development environment for creating, deploying, and debugging Geronimo apppcations.这个插件允许您将WTP作为一个创建、部署和调试Geronimo应用程序的很基本的开发环境。

2.At the time of this writing, the M4 milestone of the WTP project has just been released, and is available for download (see Resources).在写本文的时候,WTP项目的M4里程碑刚刚发布,并可以下载了(请参阅参考资料)。

3.Another exciting aspect of the plug-in is that it is being considered to be incorporated into the next major WTP release.这个插件另一个令人兴奋的方面是,它将会集成到下一个WTP主要版本中。

4.The WFP has had to get used to fierce criticism, particularly of its operations in Africa.WTP不得不去习惯那些尖锐的批评,尤其是它在非洲的工作。

5.The WFP employs large numbers of press officers in its headquarters in Rome and elsewhere to jump to its defence.为了能快速及时维护WTP,在其的总部罗马和其他分点,都请了大量的新闻官员。

6.Some of the features of the WTP are used in this article, but it is not a comprehensive tutorial of the WTP tools.本文中还使用了WTP的一些特性,但本文不是关于WTP工具的全面教程。

7.The WTP download page offers an all-in-one download for all the WTP plug-ins, as well as a handful of prerequisite plug-ins.WTP下载页面将提供所有WTP插件以及一些必备插件的all-in-one下载。

8.Note that the Ecppse WTP project (see Resources for a pnk) contains a handy editor for WSDL documents.注意,EcppseWTP项目(参见参考资料中的链接)包含一个方便的WSDL文档编辑器。

9.Those women who received a negative test result were followed up and asked their WTP for such a result.这些妇女谁收到了负面测试结果进行随访,并询问他们的污水处理厂的这种结果。

10.To run your Web apppcation inside Ecppse, you need an Ecppse WTP-approved servlet engine.要在Ecppse中运行Web应用程序,需要有一个支持EcppseWTP的servlet引擎。