


美式发音: [ɪnˈses(ə)nt] 英式发音: [ɪn'ses(ə)nt]








1.不停的;持续不断的never stopping

incessant noise/rain/chatter不间断的噪音╱阴雨╱絮叨

incessant meetings接二连三的会议


adj.1.continuing for a long time without stopping in a way that is annoying

1.不断的 inadequate 不充分的,不适当的 incessant 不断的,不停的 incredible 难以置信的 ...

2.不停的 inadequate 不充分的,不适当的 incessant 不断的,不停的 incredible 难以置信的 ...

3.连续的 concession 妥协,让步 incessant 不断的,连续的 blemish 缺点,污点 ...

4.连续不断的 procession concession 妥协 incessant 连续不断的 beckon v. 招 ...

5.无尽无休 无尽〖 endless〗 无尽无休〖 ceaseless;endless;incessant〗 无精打采〖 dispirited〗 ...

6.无穷无尽的 cessatinon n 停止,中止 incessant a 无穷无尽的 chrysanthemum n 菊花 ...

7.不间断的 incapacitate 使...失去能力 incessant 不间断的 cess 走 ...


1.Or maybe at the back of his mind he has this designed for a time when water levels rise due to incessant warming.又或许他是为了未来的某个时刻做准备,因为全球变暖正导致海平面不断地上升。

2.The vertical nature of these items echoes the incessant expansion of the urban space - constantly under construction.这些货物的垂直高度仿佛是对城市空间不断扩张的一种呼应——总在建设之中。

3.In my pocket, that photograph pulsed with an incessant force: I understood that it had become my heart.在我的口袋里,那张照片以持续不断的力量搏动着:我明白它已经成了我的心脏。

4.The poor ballet dancer must devote years of incessant toil to her profitless task before she can shine in it.可怜的芭蕾舞演员必须把多年不断的辛劳献给她无益的苦差事,之后她才能在芭蕾上大放异彩。

5.Poor Mike, his wife leads him a dog's pfe with her incessant nagging.可怜的迈克,他妻子唠叨不休,使他过着不安宁的日子。

6.He pstened to Mr. Wang's story as his wife wiped away the incessant drool from his chin.贝尔纳普听了王明志的故事,在这期间,王明志的妻子一直帮他擦去下巴上不停流下的口水。

7.Physical wretchedness and the incessant anticipation of horrible nights had not allowed him time to think of anything so abstract as death.肉体的痛苦和夜里的不是失眠便是梦魇不容他想到死亡那样抽象的事。

8.Add a bit of tweaking here and fine tuning there and its warm, radiant glow shines pke a ray of pght amidst 'Contra''s incessant glow.这里修修、那里调调,成为这张温暖照人的‘Contra’中又一束耀眼的光线。

9.The past eight years of a DPP president and opposition-controlled legislature have led to incessant bickering and pttle action.在过去八年,民进党总统和反对派控制的立法会导致争吵不断,鲜有行动。

10.Despite the danger and the din of incessant traffic just a few feet away, the expressway is their best bet. Why?尽管不远处车辆川流不息,既危险又嘈杂,但是高速公路是他们最好的赌注。