




1.等候神 薛王美溢( Amy Sit) 等侯神( Waiting on God) 甘燿嘉( Richard Exley) ...

5.神面前ng for God),而是全人全心贯注的侍立在 神面前 (Waiting on God),享受祂的同在与运行,并预备好了来接受主一切的吩咐 …


1.Is waiting on God a work so difficult, that, for that too, such words are needed, "Be strong, and let your heart take courage" ?我们应该坚信,等候神必会带给我们难以言喻、意想不到的祝福,这是无比确定的。

2.Adequate time for daily waiting on God. . . is the only way I can escape the tyranny of the urgent.保持每日充足的时间等候上帝…是我避免心急如焚的唯一办法。

3.The deep need for this waiting on God pes equally in the nature of man and the nature of God.在人的本性及神的本性中,等候神的深切需要是同等程度存在着的。

4.lesson, that as waiting on God pes at the root of all true working for God, so.工作的根基,同样地,为神工作必定是所有真正地等侯他所结的果。

5.Waiting on God has its value in this: it makes us strong in work for God.等侯神会有-----‘它会使我们为神工作有力量’-----的价值在其中。

6.Then we find what is better still, that waiting on God is itself the highest salvation.然后我们发现那更美妙的:等候神本身就是最高层次的救恩。

7.Waiting on God brings us to our journey's end quicker than our feet.等候神,比用自己的脚,更能迅速抵达我们旅程的终点。