




1.玫瑰战争队徽的历史最早可以追溯到1445年——1487年的英国蔷薇战争(Wars of the Roses),红色是曼联所在地区曾经诞生的英格兰 …


1.What was the impact of the wars of the roses on feudapsm in england? A: the wars of the roses dealt a death blow to feudapsm in england.玫瑰战争对英国封建制度的影响是什么?答:它致命的打击了英国的封建制度。

2.The Wars of the Roses was fighting between the supporters of the Houses of Lancaster and York in England, and it lasted over 30 years.玫瑰战争是英国兰开斯特家族和约克家族支持者之间的争战,持续了30年多年之久。

3.The Wars of the Roses officially started with the First Battle of St. Albans on this date in 1455.玫瑰战争于1455年的今天正式开战,史称「第一次圣亚班士城之役」。

4.Yet the clash was a turning point in the Wars of the Roses.然而这场战役乃是玫瑰战争的转折点。

5.The Wars of the Roses were a series of civil wars fought in medieval England from 1455 to 1485 between House of Lancaster and House of York.玫瑰战争是中世纪英格兰的一系列围绕约克和兰开斯特两大王族的内战。

6.Here were fought many of the most desperate battles during the Civil wars of the Roses!玫瑰战争时期,许多最激烈的战斗都是在这里进行的。

7.the wars of the roses dealt a death blow to feudapsm in england.玫瑰战争对英国封建制度的影响是什么?

8.Their rivalry undermined the Engpsh in France, and led eventually to the Wars of the Roses.他们之间的争斗逐渐削弱了在法兰西的英格兰人势力,最终导致了玫瑰战争的爆发。

9.History of England: From the Roman Period to the Wars of the Roses (1882)《英国历史上:从罗马时期的玫瑰战争》(1882)

10.The Wars of the Roses: England's First Civil War玫瑰战争:英格兰的第一次内战