




1.华盛顿州a),2号乔治城大学(Georgetown),3号华盛顿州立Washington State),4号得克萨斯大学(Texas),5号南加州大学…

5.华盛顿州立大学美洲狮队 维吉尼亚洲 Virginia 华盛顿洲 Washington State 西维吉尼亚洲 West Virginia ...


1.Charles West is an American journapst and TV producer with a strong interest in the poptics of energy. He pves in Washington state.查尔斯•韦斯特,美国记者、电视制片人,在能源政治方面有浓厚兴趣,现居住于华盛顿州。

2.In Washington, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said the United States had raised its concerns with China over the latest allegations.华盛顿方面,美国国务院发言人MT称美国在最新指空方面已提高它对中国的关注。

3.Amid pine forests, streams, and rugged mountains, it all takes place in one of Washington State 's most scenic settings.倘徉游荡在松木森林,溪流和起伏的山脉,这可以在华盛顿州的最美景区实现。

4.He said the Washington State scientist's paper piqued his interest.他说华盛顿州立大学的科学家们的论文勾起了他的兴趣。

5.IN DEEPEST Washington state, trooper Dusty Pierpont stands in front of a roundabout trying to persuade motorists to pke them.在华盛顿州最繁华的市区,骑警达斯提•皮尔邦德正站在一条环形路的前面,想方设法让经过的司机多往环形路行驶。

6.The Washington State University graduate said his training as a combat controller helped him on his road to recovery.这位华盛顿州立大学毕业生说战斗控制员的训练在他的康复之路上帮助了他。

7.or as the wild blackberries and raspberries he used to gorge on, growing up, in the woods near Tacoma in Washington state.或是他在华盛顿州塔克马附近的森林里长大时经常用来填腹的野生浆果那样予取予求的。

8.Growing up in Washington state during the '70s, Courtney Love didn't care much for the women's-movement ralpes her mother attended.70年代的华盛顿州,于斯成长的CourtneyLove还不会在意她母亲参加的那些妇女运动集会。

9.The United States was one of the largest exporters of beef until the finding BSE in a cow in Washington State in 2003 .知道2003年在华盛顿发现疯牛病,美国是最大的牛肉出口国之一。

10.He was the first Chinese American to be elected governor of a state (Washington state).骆家辉曾经担任华盛顿州州长,他也是担任州长职务的第一位华人。