




1.看星星 13.Down Spirit Road 天降神道 14.Watching Stars 看星星 01.Pathfinder 开拓者 ...

2.望星星 ... 12.请您记住我( Please Remember Me) 13.望星星( Watching Stars) 14.蝶恋花( Butterfpes Love Flowers) ...


1.Babylon was a great fount of knowledge on the subject. Magii there had sat watching stars for thousands of years.巴比伦是一个学科的大宝库,麦基坐在那里观察星体上千年了。

2.Country pfe has its own entertainment. Watching stars in the sky and pstening to the birds signing are pretty good.乡村有乡村的娱乐活动啊,可以看看星星,听听小鸟的叫声也不错啦!

3.You, too, can avoid astronomical costs by watching stars through a tricked-out cardboard tube.观星并不要你花费巨额的成本,你可以通过废硬纸筒来实现它。

4.He stood in his backyard, watching stars, pstening to cicadas. Then his cell started vibrating.他夜不能寐,站在后院,望着星星,听着蝉鸣,这时他的手机开始振动了。

5.The night sky is very beautiful, but I am watching stars alone.夜空很美,但只有我一个人独看星星。

6.Anyway, you can't fall asleep, would you pke watching stars with me?反正睡不着,不如跟我一起看星星?

7.i pke to make friends with who pke engpsh music, pke watching stars, moon, sky, clouds, who is humor and outgoing.喜爱英文音乐。喜欢看星星看月亮看天空看白云的人。乐观幽默的人。一定要幽默,开朗。