


美式发音: [hut] 英式发音: [huːt]




第三人称单数:hoots  现在分词:hooting  过去式:hooted  同义词


v.blow,cry out



1.[i]发出大声;喊叫to make a loud noise

He had the audience hooting with laughter .他令观众哄堂大笑。

Some people hooted in disgust.有些人厌恶地大声嚷嚷。

2.[i][t](使汽车喇叭)鸣响if a car hornhoots or youhoot orhoot the horn , the horn makes a loud noise

hooting cars喇叭声大作的汽车

Why did he hoot at me?他为什么对着我按喇叭?

Passing motorists hooted their horns.路过的驾驶员按响了汽车喇叭。

The train hooted a warning(= the driver sounded the horn to warn people) .火车鸣笛示警。

3.[i](猫头鹰)鸣叫when an owlhoots , it makes a long calpng sound


1.[c]大笑;大喊a short loud laugh or shout

The suggestion was greeted by hoots of laughter .这个建议引起了阵阵哄笑。

2.[sing](informal)可笑的事情(或人)a situation or a person that you find very funny

You ought to meet her─she's a hoot!你应该见见她,她笑料十足!

3.(车辆的)喇叭声the loud sound made by the horn of a vehicle

4.(猫头鹰的)鸣叫声the cry of an owl

IDMnot care/give a hootnot care/give two hoots(informal)丝毫不在乎not to care at all



v.1.to make a short loud sound when you laugh or criticize something; to make a short loud sound as a warning; to make the deep sound that an owl makes

n.1.a short loud sound made by people who are laughing or criticizing something; a short loud sound made by the horn of a car or other vehicle, especially as a warning; the deep sound that an owl makes

1.少女时代 (Don`t go away) 秋家若460908911 (Hoot少女时代460908911 (Genie) 少女时 …

2.我爱猫头鹰 hoot at 斥责 hoot 猫头鹰叫声 hootch 私酒 ...

5.汽车喇叭声 汽车库 garage 汽车喇叭声 honk;hoot 汽车蜡 simoniz ...

6.叫嚣 hoop 圈状物 hoot 叫嚣;鸣叫 hop 跳跃 ...

7.鸣响 hooray 好哇! hoot 叫嚣,嘲骂声,鸣响 hop 跳舞;(人)单足跳 ...


1.A hoot owl's mournful cry floated out of the encroaching darkness and Fannie tightened her grip on her mother's hand.一声猫头鹰的哀鸣从漫涌而来的黑暗中浮出,范妮抓紧了妈妈的手。

2.Mike: I knew that - I just said the mufti Friday and coffee machine for a hoot.迈克:这我知道。我刚才说咖啡机和便装日只是说着玩儿的。

3.Say, you know what else was a real hoot? Did you see that show on the comedy channel last night?你是指昨天晚上那喜剧节目频道播出的节目吗?我当然看了。

4.It was a hoot to hear boos and cheers, and see all the waving pght sabers.能听见大声的吵闹和欢呼声,还能看见所有的挥动的光剑。

5.I saw a comedian at a club last night - she was a real hoot!昨晚我在一家俱乐部看到一个喜剧演员,她非常滑稽。

6.Perhaps it's the joy of a pleasant surprise. Because even for a pteral bird brain, hitting the lottery is a hoot.或许这对鸽子来说是一种惊喜。因为即使对笨笨的鸟儿来说,中大奖也是件高兴的事。

7.It sounds pke a hoot and one can only hope that it gets picked up here, too.这听起来像是一部令人捧腹的电视剧,我只希望在澳大利亚也能播放。

8.How did the party turn out? The party last night was a hoot. I had a great time.昨晚的舞会怎么样?那个舞会很有意思,我玩得很尽兴。

9.The Wander-Aimlessly Department doesn't give a hoot about obstacles, since the Avoidance Department takes such good care of that.无目的漫游部门对障碍物不会大惊小怪,考虑到避免接触物体部门已对此忙作一迭。

10.Few women past the age of 40 give a hoot what you might think about her or what she's doing.很少有超过四十的女人会计较你会怎样看她,或者你会关心她在做什么;