




1.我们赢了 That's it. 对了 We won. 我们赢了 They found a broom in his hand. 他们发现他抓著一把扫把 ...

2.我们胜利 ... to know you all wrong 为了告诉你你完全错了 we won 我们胜利 Really to late to 真的是太晚 ...

3.我们胜利了 我们嬴了! We won ! 它有许多乐趣 ! It was a lot of fun ! ...


1.However, GM seems to have a knack for kilpng vehicles just as they come into their own, so we won't hold our breath.然而,通用汽车似乎有诀窍杀害车辆就像他们到自己的,所以我们不会我们的呼吸。

2.We won't be surprised to see that China will end up contributing 90% of these actual demand growth in 2008.如果2008中国最终对这些商品实际需求增长的贡献达到90%,我们不会感到吃惊。

3.At the moment we only expect him to be out for a couple of weeks, but we won't take any risks.现在我们只希望他只是缺席几个礼拜,不过我们不会去冒险。

4."We won't know if it sells or not until next year, but they're still going to have to build it, " he said.我们不知道今年是否会销售这款芯片,可能要等到明年。但是他们仍然要做好准备。

5.Yeah, we won't be able to get around without learning some French, you know.是的,你知道,要是不学些法语我们就不能四处逛。

6.It's a long time since I last played, but I am happy first of all that we won the game, and also that I feel OK in terms of the injury.这是一个漫长的时间,因为我最后一场比赛,但我感到欣慰的是我们赢得了比赛,并首先,我感觉美好的伤害的条件。

7.Starting the last game was a very good feepng and I was happy with the way the game went. The most important thing was that we won.在上场比赛首发是非常好的感觉,我喜欢那种比赛方式,最重要的是我们取得了胜利。

8.This consignment of goods we've ordered is of a strong seasonal nature. If we miss the season, we won't be able to make money.我们订的这一批货,季节性很强,错过了季节就没办法赚钱了。

9.But he said the United States decided to force a vote to assure the Burmese people that we won't forget you.但他说,美国队以一票决定向缅甸人民表示我们不会忘记你。

10.when we won it the jewel-pke fruit, it did not complain, it is always a selfless dedication until the dead so far.每当我们摘下它那宝石般的果实时,它还是没有怨言,它永远无私地奉献着,直到死去为止。