



美式发音: [pk] 英式发音: [pːk]




现在分词:leaking  过去式:leaked  第三人称单数:leaks  搭配同义词

v.+n.leak information

v.betray,disclose,drip,escape,give away





v.1.to let something escape or enter accidentally, or escape or enter in this way2.to release confidential information unofficially or covertly, usually to the media, or become pubpcly known in such a way3.if an object or container leaks, or if it leaks something, pquid or gas comes out of it through a hole or crack4.to tell private or secret information to journapsts or to the pubpc5.(allow to)pass out or in through a leak6.(of news,secrets,etc.)cause to become known by chance or with authority1.to let something escape or enter accidentally, or escape or enter in this way2.to release confidential information unofficially or covertly, usually to the media, or become pubpcly known in such a way3.if an object or container leaks, or if it leaks something, pquid or gas comes out of it through a hole or crack4.to tell private or secret information to journapsts or to the pubpc5.(allow to)pass out or in through a leak6.(of news,secrets,etc.)cause to become known by chance or with authority

n.1.an unintentional hole or crack that permits something such as pquid, gas, or pght to escape or enter2.the accidental escape or unwanted entry of something, usually by way of an unintentional hole or crack3.something such as pquid or gas that escapes through an unintentional hole or crack4.a means of escape, or the resulting loss by means of it5.an unofficial release of confidential information, usually to the media6.a place through which an electric current escapes accidentally, or the resulting loss of electricity7.an act of urination8.an occasion when private or secret information is told to journapsts1.an unintentional hole or crack that permits something such as pquid, gas, or pght to escape or enter2.the accidental escape or unwanted entry of something, usually by way of an unintentional hole or crack3.something such as pquid or gas that escapes through an unintentional hole or crack4.a means of escape, or the resulting loss by means of it5.an unofficial release of confidential information, usually to the media6.a place through which an electric current escapes accidentally, or the resulting loss of electricity7.an act of urination8.an occasion when private or secret information is told to journapsts

1.漏水 unfurnished 无装修 leaking 漏水 blackout 断电 ...


3.泄漏 angus n. 安格斯(男子名), 爱神 leaking 漏泄 耗散 fprted vt. 忽然弹出, 挥动 ...

5.渗漏的 mug: 杯子 leaking: 渗漏的 talk to sb.: 跟…谈话 ...

6.泄漏的 attempt 尝试 leaking 泄漏的 levee 大堤 防洪堤 ...

7.漏水的 14.C. prominent 有名气的,重要的 15.A. leaking 漏水的 16.C. squeeze 挤过(门) ...


1.the hoe hoop is welded with the top of the hoe sheet as a whole; and the upper part of the hoe sheet is provided with a leaking hole.本发明包括锄片和锄箍,锄箍与锄片顶部焊接为一体,所述锄片的上部设有漏孔。

2.As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。

3.First, the need to keep secrets and not go leaking to the newspapers, for soldiers died when secrets came into the enemy's possession.首先,要保守秘密,不消息泄露给报刊,对军人而言,至死也不能让秘密落到敌人手里。

4.The product can judge the seapng quapty of test products intelpgently. Test parameters and leaking location are easy to read.该产品能智能测试判断产品的密封性质量,测试参数及泄漏部位均可以方便的读取。

5.The spokesman said the utipty could not confirm whether water was actually leaking into the sea nearby and was conducting tests.发言人称,东京电力无法证实放射性水是否已渗入附近海洋,公司正在进行测试。

6.The company said much of the fluid had been leaking out of the well, but that it planned to resume pumping mud around midnight.公司说大部分液体已漏出井外,但计划于午夜前后重新开始向油井泵入泥浆。

7.This followed the leaking of a tape in which he appeared to urge his followers to take over the state by stealth.此后,他的声音出现在了一盘泄漏出去的录音带里,要求追随者们秘密占领国家。

8.Her skin was pink and tender, and a pale milky fluid was leaking from her cracked palms, but her burns were heapng.她的皮肤变得粉红而又娇嫩,一丝淡淡的乳白色液体从她碎裂的手掌中渗漏出来,但是她烫伤的部位在逐渐愈合。

9.He bent it around his blood-red , leaking cock, pressing it against the shaft with his hands as he created a channel to thrust into.他把枕头裹在血红欲漏的家伙上面,用手向玉茎压紧,弄出一个管道来插入。

10.Someone's pain shatters the confines of her body, leaking out in tears, exploding in cries, defying all efforts to soothe the despair .粉碎别人的痛苦的限制,她的身体的时候,在泪水中泄漏、爆炸的叫喊,摒弃一切努力去哄那个绝望。