




1.网络请求r Load Balancing,另外也有人拿来做网页需求Web Request)的「重新导向」(Redirect)到快取伺服器(Cache Server…

5.要求之下电信公司会转向维修线路,但不会要求客户停止发送要求(web request),因为网际网路的使用本来就是这样,当无法连 …


1.With a static HTML page (. Htm or. Html file), the server fulfills a Web request by reading the file and sending it as-is to the browser.通过使用静态HTML页(.htm或.html文件),服务器读取文件并将该文件按原样发送到浏览器,以此来满足Web请求。

2.The error-handpng logic records information about the Web request to allow the error to be correlated with the user and session.错误处理逻辑记录Web请求的相关信息,以使错误与用户和会话相关联。

3.The Light-weight infrastructure functions as the web request gateway for the TXSeries Web services.轻量级基础架构的作用类似于TXSeriesWeb服务的Web请求网关。

4.URL rewriting is the process of intercepting an incoming Web request and automatically redirecting it to a different URL.URL重写是截取传入Web请求并自动将请求重定向到其他URL的过程。

5.Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request.描述:在现在网请求的实行期间发生的被不处理的例外。

6.Project Zero epminates the overhead necessary to handle and process the incoming Web request.ProjectZero消除了处理传入Web请求所需的开销。

7.Invoking a proxy method from a JavaScript function performs an asynchronous Web request that invokes the corresponding Web service method.从JavaScript函数调用代理方法将执行一个异步Web请求,该请求调用相应的Web服务方法。

8.Object writes to the opening tag of an HTML element when a Web request is processed.对象将该属性写入HTML元素的开始标记。

9.To make AT&T's servers respond, the security group merely had to send an iPad-style "User agent" header in their Web request.为了让AT&的服务器响应,Goatse不得不在网络请求中发送一个iPad风格的“用户代理”请求标头。

10.An unhandled exception was generated during the execution of the current web request.被不处理的例外在现在网请求的实行期间被产生。