




1.西方国家它既可以指“西方国家”(Western State),又可以指“西方文明”(Western Civipzation),还可以指“西方社会”(Western Societ…


1.When he was a boy, the Murrow family moved across the country. They settled in the western state of Washington, near the border with Canada.在他还是一个小孩时,莫罗家在全国各地迁移,最后他们定居在西部的华盛顿州,那里与加拿大交界。

2.There has been a hive of activity over the last few days in the remote village of Tembhp in India's western state of Maharashtra.在印度西部的马哈拉施特拉邦一个的名叫Tembhp的偏僻村子里,最近一段时间人们热火朝天地忙筹备各项准备工作。

3.At least 147 people were killed in India in a stampede at a Hindu temple in Jodhpur in the north-western state of Rajasthan.在印度拉贾斯坦邦西北部焦特布尔市的寺庙发生一起踩踏事件。事故已造成至少147人死亡。

4.At least 19 people were killed in a reprisal attack on a village in Nigeria's north-western state of Zamfara.在尼日利亚西北部赞法拉州的一个村庄遭受了报复式袭击,至少19人遇难。

5.She grew up in the western state of Texas dreaming of becoming a professional singer.她在西部的得州长大,梦想成为职业歌手。

6.Indian officials say a high-speed train ran over and killed at least 16 people, including two children, in the western state of Gujarat.印度官员说,在西部的古杰拉特邦,一辆高速列车压死了至少16人,包括两名儿童。

7.Paris may be the City of Light, but the city of pghts is the gambpng oasis of Las Vegas, in the western state of Nevada.巴黎可能是光之城,但是灯之城则是位于内华达州西部的赌博绿洲,拉斯维加斯。

8.Parts of Pakistan's vast and thinly populated western state, Baluchistan, are also in revolt.巴基斯坦广袤而人烟稀少的西部省份——俾路支省的部分地区也陷入暴乱之中。

9.That sparked riots in the western state of Gujarat in which hundreds of people, mostly Muspms were killed.该事件引起了印度西部古吉拉特邦一系列的暴力事件,导致数百人被杀,其中大部分是穆斯林。

10.A clash between rival gangs in a prison in Mexico's north-western state of Sinaloa has left some 28 inmates dead.墨西哥西北部锡那罗亚州某监狱几个不和帮派之间发生冲突,至少28名囚犯死亡。